
A simple note-taker for unix. So simple that the 'o' in note was too complicated for the name of the program.

Primary LanguagePython


A simple note-taker for unix. So simple that the 'o' in note was too complicated for the name of the program.


To be able to use nte anywhere, place nte.py in your home directory. Then, open .bash_profile (in your home directory) in your favorite text editor and add the following line: alias nte='python ~/nte.py' Restart your shell and you are good to go! Note: There are many other ways to make nte available anywhere, this is just one of the simplest and that's why I'm listing it here

Taking Notes:

Enter nte into your shell and press enter. Then, take a note! Alternatively, enter nte "some message to a note" or nte "some title to a note" "some message to a note" to take notes even more quickly.

Viewing Notes:

Enter nte v and view/delete/move notes around.

Editing Notes:

Enter nte e to open the notes file in Vim

*This program is supposed to be usable by those with very little knowledge of Unix, and the README is designed to reflect that