- 0
python-scss unmaintained
#632 opened by The-Compiler - 1
- 1
Studentenportal login
#537 opened by tstost - 0
IntegrityError at /api/v1/quotes/2673/vote - duplicate key value violates unique constraint "lecturers_quotevote_user_id_3ecc6f4b83d4492b_uniq"
#576 opened by The-Compiler - 1
Fix deprecated GitHub Actions
#529 opened by The-Compiler - 1
Django 4.x
#473 opened by The-Compiler - 1
IntegrityError at /accounts/register/: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "front_user_username_key"
#491 opened by The-Compiler - 1
Python 3.10+
#474 opened by The-Compiler - 1
nginx und dehydrated upgrade
#483 opened by The-Compiler - 2
Mail-Adressen ändern
#481 opened by The-Compiler - 1
Module raten
#484 opened by jxxmin - 1
Unable to sign up
#398 opened by J0SHC4P3 - 1
Aktivierungsmail nicht erhalten
#422 opened by guebsch - 0
Linter lokal ausführen via tox oder pre-commit
#472 opened by The-Compiler - 5
#273 opened by The-Compiler - 2
eduID: Organisation / Contract
#270 opened by fabianhauser - 5
Handhabung von Pinning in requirements-Dateien
#230 opened by The-Compiler - 1
Star rating code vereinheitlichen
#235 opened by The-Compiler - 2
studentenportal Down - Connection refused
#317 opened by pesc - 2
eduID: Webserver Setup
#272 opened by fabianhauser - 0
Clean up Dockerfiles and docker-compose file
#282 opened by fabianhauser - 3
django-sendfile ggf. ersetzen
#241 opened by The-Compiler - 2
Autoformatter nutzen
#228 opened by The-Compiler - 0
#281 opened by fabianhauser - 0
Sicherere Cookie-Settings
#240 opened by The-Compiler - 0
- 3
- 2
- 1
http -> https für URLs
#233 opened by The-Compiler - 0
eduID: Django Implementation
#271 opened by fabianhauser - 2
Ansehen von hochgeladenem Dokument nicht möglich
#267 opened by Ce-eM - 9
Remove public visibility option for documents
#265 opened by FunkyFabe - 1
Document Upload sometimes raises errors
#266 opened by fabianhauser - 4
Update account e-mail to
#264 opened by flObvious - 6
Allow domain for registration
#261 opened by Darnor - 3
Dozent M.A.
#257 opened by turbotimon - 4
GitHub / CI Integration
#256 opened by NaoPross - 2
Tests ohne PostgreSQL / mit tox
#226 opened by The-Compiler - 2
VSHSR -> open\HSR auf der Webseite?
#251 opened by The-Compiler - 0
Flattr deaktivieren
#246 opened by dbrgn - 2
Request for testing:
#247 opened by The-Compiler - 3
Production Docker-Container läuft lokal nicht
#248 opened by The-Compiler - 2
#245 opened by The-Compiler - 4
Handhabung von Tests mit Twitter-Token
#236 opened by The-Compiler - 3
AUTHORS.txt aktualisieren
#227 opened by The-Compiler - 3
DocumentDownloads logging
#231 opened by The-Compiler - 5
Upgrades von Dependencies
#229 opened by The-Compiler - 1
Pillow-Dependency: Nicht gebraucht?
#238 opened by The-Compiler - 4
Basic Auth für API
#234 opened by The-Compiler - 4
"Tipps zum Studium" entfernen?
#232 opened by The-Compiler