
Documentation of the ActiGraph .gt3x file format

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ActiGraph .gt3x File Format


This documentation provides information on getting activity data out of ActiGraph .gt3x files.

Valid .gt3x Files

This documentation is valid for .gt3x files downloaded from the following devices:

  • GT3X+ (serial numbers starting with NEO and firmware 3.0 and higher)
  • wGT3X+ (serial numbers starting with CLE)
  • wGT3X-BT (serial numbers starting with MOS0 and MOS2)
  • ActiSleep+ (serial numbers starting with MRA and firmware 3.0 and higher)
  • wActiSleep+ (serial numbers starting with MOS3
  • wActiSleep-BT (serial numbers starting with MOS4)
  • GT9X Link (serial numbers starting with TAS)

Invalid .gt3x Files

NOTE: Devices with serial numbers that start with "NEO" or "MRA" and have firmware version of 2.5.0 or earlier use an older format of the .gt3x file. Please see this GitHub repo for more information: https://github.com/actigraph/NHANES-GT3X-File-Format

File Format

The .gt3x file is a zip archive contains several files needed to parse activity data. Here are the different files:

FileName Description
log.bin Log Records (see below)
info.txt Device information including start date and download date.

Steps to Parse Log Records from a .gt3x File

  1. Verify .gt3x file is a zip file
  2. Verify .gt3x file has log.bin file
  3. Verify .gt3x file has info.txt file
  4. Extract log.bin and info.txt files
  5. Parse and save the sample rate from the info.txt file (it's stored in Hz)
  6. Parse and save the start date from the info.txt file (it's stored in .NET Ticks)

Log Records

Binary .gt3x file data is grouped into timestamped records of varying types that are written sequentially as the data becomes available on the activity monitor. The format is similar to common protocols used for serial communication. Each log record includes a header with a record separator, record type, timestamp and payload size. After the variable length payload is a checksum for ensuring data integrity.

Log Record Format

Offset (bytes) Size (bytes) Name Description Part of Record
0 1 Seperator An ASCII record separator byte (1Eh) marks the beginning of each log record. Header
1 1 Type A type identifier is used to interpret the payload of the record. Header
2 4 Timestamp The date and time of the data contained in the record are marked to the nearest second in Unix time format. Header
6 2 Size The size of the payload is given in bytes as an little-endian unsigned integer. Header
8 n Payload This is the actual data that varies based on the record *Type* field. It's size is provided in the *Size* field. Please refer to the appropriate section for the record type for the indiviual payload formats. Payload
8 + n 1 Checksum A 1-byte checksum immediately follows the record payload. It is a 1's complement, exclusive-or (XOR) of the log header and payload with an initial value of zero. Checksum

Sample Header

1E 06 71 E8 B4 54 7C 00
Offset (bytes) Size (bytes) Name Bytes from Sample Resultant Value
0 1 Seperator 0x1E 0x1E
1 1 Type 0x06 6 (see Metadata below)
2 4 Timestamp 0x71 0xE8 0xB4 0x54 1421142129 or 2015/01/13 09:42:09
6 2 Size 0x7C 0x00 124

Log Record Types

Note that some undocumented records are used for internal state or testing. They may be safely ignored.

ID (dec) ID (hex) Type Description
0 0x00 ACTIVITY One second of raw activity samples packed into 12-bit values in YXZ order.
2 0x02 BATTERY Battery voltage in millivolts as a little-endian unsigned short (2 bytes).
3 0x03 EVENT Logging records used for internal debugging.
4 0x04 HEART_RATE_BPM Heart rate average beats per minute (BPM) as one byte unsigned integer.
5 0x05 LUX Lux value as a little-endian unsigned short (2 bytes).
6 0x06 METADATA Arbitrary metadata content. The first record in every log is contains subject data in JSON format.
7 0x07 TAG 13 Byte Serial, 1 Byte Tx Power, 1 Byte (signed) RSSI
9 0x09 EPOCH 60-second epoch data
11 0x0B HEART_RATE_ANT Heart Rate RR information from ANT+ sensor.
12 0x0C EPOCH2 60-second epoch data
13 0x0D CAPSENSE Capacitive sense data
14 0x0E HEART_RATE_BLE Bluetooth heart rate information (BPM and RR). This is a Bluetooth standard format.
15 0x0F EPOCH3 60-second epoch data
16 0x10 EPOCH4 60-second epoch data
21 0x15 PARAMETERS Records various configuration parameters and device attributes on initialization.
24 0x18 SENSOR_SCHEMA This record allows dynamic definition of a SENSOR_DATA record format.
25 0x19 SENSOR_DATA This record stores sensor data according to a SENSOR_SCHEMA definition.
26 0x1A ACTIVITY2 One second of raw activity samples as little-endian signed-shorts in XYZ order.

Checksum Calculation

A 1-byte checksum immediately follows the record payload. It is a 1's complement, exclusive-or (XOR) of the log header and payload with an initial value of zero.

To verify you have parsed a packet correctly, calculate the checksum and compare it against the last byte of the packet.

Sample C# Checksum Code

byte chkSum = Header.Sync;
chkSum ^= Header.Type;
var timestamp = DeviceUtilities.DateTime.ToUnixTime(Header.TimeStamp);
chkSum ^= (byte)(timestamp & 0xFF);
chkSum ^= (byte)((timestamp >> 8) & 0xFF);
chkSum ^= (byte)((timestamp >> 16) & 0xFF);
chkSum ^= (byte)((timestamp >> 24) & 0xFF);
chkSum ^= (byte)(Header.Size & 0xFF);
chkSum ^= (byte)((Header.Size >> 8) & 0xFF);
for (int i = 0; i < Payload.Length; ++i)
    chkSum ^= Payload[i];
chkSum = (byte)~chkSum;

public UInt32 ToUnixTime(DateTime datetime)
    return (UInt32)(datetime - EPOCH).TotalSeconds;

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