Listifer Keyword Blacklist

We populated the first version of this list with words marked possibly_offensive=true and/or flags=offensive in the en_wordlist.combined.gz portion of the Android (KitKat) dictionary. We also added a few other terms that don't appear in that list. Mostly, these terms are associated with illegal drugs.

"Why blacklist anything?"

The relevant portion of Listifer's terms of use can be summed up as follows.

We do not allow Listifer to be used in any way that:

  1. Spreads hate.
  2. Results in intimidation or harrassment.
  3. Causes objectification or victimization.
  4. Facilitates illegal activity.

Blacklisting certain keywords helps us enforce this policy.

"I think your list is missing something."

Think our blacklist isn't stringent enough? Let us know what's missing here.

"I disagree with some of your choices."

Think we've overstepped? Let us know why you think something should be removed from our blacklist here.