📼 Nostr Rorubakku

Nostr Rorubakku manages your Nostr Following list (kind: 3) in git. Each time you follow or unfollow another user, Nostr Rorubakku writes the Following list to a file and does an add & commit in git.


npm install -g @studiokaiji/@nostr-rorubakku


  1. Setup (initialize git repository.)
rorubakku setup
  1. Run server
rorubakku run


A settings file can be specified when executing the setup and run commands.

rorubakku run -s <CUSTOM_SETTINGS_FILE_PATH>

The Settings file should be written as follows. If no Settings file is specified, the following settings are used by default.

  "updateIntervalMs": 5000,
  "relays": [
  "gitDirectoryPath": "./rorubakku",
  "authors": ["2d417bce8c10883803bc427703e3c4c024465c88e7063ed68f9dfeecf56911ac"]