Audio plugin starter template using JUCE framework to build binaries using:
- Bash
- CMake 3.15.x
- JUCE 6.0.x
This repo demonstrates two ways to build JUCE plugins:
- cmake: ./.github/workflows/release.yml
- Projucer ./.github/workflows/release_projucer.yml
Install CMake and Xcode using:
brew install cmake
xcode-select --install
Check you have the correct dependencies installed:
cmake -version
xcodebuild -version
Ensure all git submodules are initialized:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Make all your plugin development changes in the source folder at:
Ensure you also update the preview image and audio files:
Depending on the the operating system you are on/building for, swap the generator string in the build commands:
- Linux: "Unix Makefiles"
- MacOS: "Xcode"
- Windows: "Visual Studio 16 2019"
Compile a development version of the plugin using:
cmake \
-G "Xcode" \
-S ./sdk \
-B ./build
cmake --build ./build --config Debug --target AudioPluginExample_All
View the built plugin files at:
Build the final plugin binaries using:
cmake \
-G "Xcode" \
-S ./sdk \
-B ./build
cmake --build ./build --config Release --target AudioPluginExample_All
Rename file if it contains invalid characters/spaces:
mv "./build/examples/CMake/AudioPlugin/AudioPluginExample_artefacts/Release/VST3/Audio Plugin Example.vst3" ./build/examples/CMake/AudioPlugin/AudioPluginExample_artefacts/Release/VST3/audio-plugin-example.vst3
Copy any additional files:
cp -v ./src/assets/* ./build/examples/CMake/AudioPlugin/AudioPluginExample_artefacts/Release/VST3
For metadata generation as json use the studiorack-cli:
npm install @studiorack/cli -g
Validate your plugin:
studiorack validate "./build/examples/**/*.{vst,vst3}"
Convert and enrich validator report metadata into json:
studiorack validate "./build/examples/**/*.{vst,vst3}" --json
Release a plugin version on GitHub by simply creating a version tag:
git tag v0.0.1
git push && git push origin --tags
This will run an automated build and release process on GitHub Actions:
For more information please contact kmturley