
Minimalistic Bootstrap theme for use with Statamic

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bootup: Statamic starter Theme

Minimalistic Bootstrap theme for use with Statamic

Why should I use this theme instead of the default included (CDN) version?

Simple; this theme uses the latest Bootstrap version (4.1.1), installed locally and ready for your own customizations :-) It includes up-to-date Bootstrap 4 partials, and more.


  • Drop the theme folder 'bootup' into your site/themes directory
  • Go to the /site/themes/bootup folder in your terminal
  • Run npm install or yarn install
  • Run gulp init
  • Run gulp (this starts a watcher which re-generates JS and CSS on-the-fly)
  • Change the active theme by heading to Theming settings in the Control Panel, or by changing theme in settings/theming.yaml.
  • Refresh your site and you should see the new theme.


  • latest Bootstrap (4.1.1)
  • Gulp build-process concatenates all SCSS to one minified CSS file
  • Gulp build-process concatenates all JS to one minified JS file
  • Bootstrap 4 navigation bar Partial
  • More partials to come!

What does this 'build proces' do?

It generates new CSS (bootup.css) + JS (bootup.js) everytime you modify files in the bootup/src folder. In de bootup/src you will find the following folders and files:

  • js/vendor.js (this file is generated by Gulp and contains bootstrap.js and slick.js)
  • js/site_scripts.js (place your own JS in here) Any .js file added to the src/js/ folder will be included in the bootup.js file
  • scss/bootup.scss (this is the only file used for generation of the bootup.css file. Add any @imports you like into this file)
  • scss/modules/_variables.scss (this is the Bootstrap variables file. Modify anything you like. This file is copied once when running gulp init)
  • scss/vendor/_external.scss (add your vendor @imports in here)