
A VIM syntax file for highlighting report files of APT scanner THOR

Primary LanguageVim ScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

VIM syntax file for THOR and Loki

A VIM syntax file for log files of APT Scanner THOR and Loki

Example 1


Place the file syntax/thor.vim in $HOME/.vim/syntax/thor.vim.

Or use vim-plug to install:

call plug#begin()
  Plug 'stuhli/vim-thor'
call plug#end()


For automatic syntax highlighting depending on the default log file names or the extension *.thor, place the following in your vimrc:

filetype plugin on
syntax on
au BufRead *_thor_20*-*-*.txt set filetype=thor
au BufRead loki_*_20*.log set filetype=thor
au BufRead *.thor set filetype=thor
" Uncomment next line to get complete syntax highlighting in very long lines. Might impair VIM performance.
" set synmaxcol=5000

Note that VIM does not apply syntax highlighting to *.txt files. For dynamically applying the syntax highlighting via shortcut (in the example below F2) add the following to your vimrc:

nnoremap <F2> :set filetype=thor<CR>

Additional tips


For toggling between wrapped and unwrapped lines add the following to your vimrc (example F6):

nnoremap <F6> :set wrap!<CR>

But readability is even better if you are able to split lines. The following code snippet in your vimrc splits the actual line by a push of a button (example F7) and jumps to the beginning of the entry. In order to avoid accidental changes, the file is previously set in a read-only mode.

nnoremap <F7> :set ro <bar> :s/\S\+:\ /\r\0/g <bar> noh <bar> ?^THOR:\ <CR> :noh <CR> k

The result looks like this:

Example 2

If you still want to save the changed file, you can do this with :w! anyway.

Highlighting not applied to the end of the line

In case of very long lines the highlighting fails because of VIMs default setting. Change by adding set synmaxcol=5000 to your vimrc or typing :set synmaxcol=5000 in normal mode.

Performance issues

If you experience performance issues when using it, try adding the following to your vimrc:

set regexengine=1

Depending on your version of VIM this may help:

set regexengine=0