A python API and script for requesting, parsing and storing the latest cryptocurrency data availalbe using the Whale Alert Free API. Data entries are stored in a SQLite3 database, with CLI features for querying data and logger status.
To use any feature of this API, an account and free API key needs to be obtained from Whale Alert
>>> import time
>>> from pprint import pprint # For formatted dictionary printing
>>> from whalealert.whalealert import WhaleAlert
>>> whale = WhaleAlert()
# Specify a single transaction from the last 10 minutes
>>> start_time = int(time.time() - 600)
>>> api_key = 'your-key-to-stonks'
>>> transaction_count_limit = 1
>>> success, transactions, status = whale.get_transactions(start_time, api_key=api_key, limit=transaction_count_limit)
>>> success
>>> pprint(transactions)
[{'amount': 1000000,
'amount_usd': 997749.6,
'blockchain': 'ethereum',
'from': {'address': '46705dfff24256421a05d056c29e81bdc09723b8',
'owner': 'huobi',
'owner_type': 'exchange'},
'hash': 'd1e52138ecf959e580fc3167b10977dfe3114f883136bebd3317f5b5c35762b4',
'id': '710406265',
'symbol': 'USDT',
'timestamp': 1591028741,
'to': {'address': 'c1b5915fd74cce2a4a9b889b0bc1efcac6af45af',
'owner': '',
'owner_type': 'unknown'},
'transaction_count': 1,
'transaction_type': 'transfer'}]
>>> pprint(status)
{'error_code': 200,
'error_message': '',
'timestamp': '2020-06-01T19:35:19.051584',
'transaction_count': 1}
The module automatically installs a python script whaleAlertLogger
and adds it to your python binary directory.
The python script automatically polls the Whale Alert API for new transactions and saves them in an SQLite3 database.
# Install the module and script
pip install whaleAlert
# Initialise the required configuration, supplying your API key.
whaleAlertLogger -a 'your-api-key' -g
# Start the logger.
whaleAlertLogger &
# Query the latest whale tranactions
whaleAlertLogger -q
06/01/2020 20:01:25 697730.00 USDT (698,289.70 USD) transferred from unknown to unknown.
06/01/2020 20:02:59 1000000.00 USDT (996,660.90 USD) transferred from unknown to huobi.
# Query the latest 3 transactions, from the ethereum blockchain, with the tag USDT.
whaleAlertLogger -q -b ethereum -t USDT
06/01/2020 19:56:51 1000000.00 USDT (997,847.70 USD) transferred from unknown to unknown.
06/01/2020 20:01:25 697730.00 USDT (698,289.70 USD) transferred from unknown to unknown.
06/01/2020 20:02:59 1000000.00 USDT (996,660.90 USD) transferred from unknown to huobi.
# Get the status of the logger.
whaleAlertLogger -s
Last successful call 0 minutes ago, health 100.0%
# Kill any running logger instance
whaleAlertLogger -k
# Convert the SQLite3 database to an Excel file
whaleAlertLogger -x
When the logger is initialised, it creates a directory structure inside $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
. This could be ~/.local/share/whaleAlertLogger
or ~/.config/whaleAlertLogger
, use echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
to find the location on your system.
The directory structure is as follows:
├── config.ini
└── data
├── whaleAlert.db
├── log
└── status.ini
Contains configuration parameters used. Change any of these settings and restart the logger to apply them. Values shown are the default.
api_private_key = your-private-key-here
request_interval_seconds = 30
minimum_transaction_value 500000
historical_limit 3599
A SQLite3 database containing all data retreived by the logger. The database contains a separate table, named after each unique blockchain. SQLitebrower, is a good tool for browsing databases, or use whaleAlertLogger -x
to convert the database to an Excel file for viewing.
Contains information on the status of the logger.
[Last Successful Call]
timestamp = 2020-06-01T20:21:37.859798
transaction_count = 1
[Last Failed Call]
timestamp = 2020-06-01T13:46:27.936514
error_code = 5
error_message = Internal error: Error parsing JSON object from received response.
[Current Session]
successful_calls = 5441
failed_calls = 10
success_rate = 99.82
health = 100.0
[All Time]
successful_calls = 38651
failed_calls = 364
success_rate = 99.07
Runtime logs stored by the Python logging module.