
.NET Core RSA algorithm using the help tool.It supports data encryption, decryption, signature and verification signature.It supports three key formats, namely: xml, pkcs1, pkcs8.It also supports key conversion for these three formats.Last also support pem formatting.

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.NET Core RSA algorithm using the help tool.It supports data encryption, decryption, signature and verification signature.It supports three key formats, namely: xml, pkcs1, pkcs8.It also supports key conversion for these three formats.Last also support pem formatting.

Thanks for onovotny's bc-csharp

Latest version


Install-Package XC.RSAUtil

The old package name is XC.Framework.Security.RSAUtil. Now renamed XC.RSAUtil and will continue to use.


Generate the key

Use class RsaKeyGenerator.The result returned is a list of two-element strings,Element 1 is the private key and element 2 is the public key.

Format: XML

var keyList = RsaKeyGenerator.XmlKey(2048);
var privateKey = keyList[0];
var publicKey = keyList[1];

Format: Pkcs1

var keyList = RsaKeyGenerator.Pkcs1Key(2048);
var privateKey = keyList[0];
var publicKey = keyList[1];

Format: Pkcs8

var keyList = RsaKeyGenerator.Pkcs8Key(2048);
var privateKey = keyList[0];
var publicKey = keyList[1];

RSA key conversion

Use class RsaKeyConvert.It supports key conversion for these three formats,namely: xml, pkcs1, pkcs8.

  • Private Key : RsaKeyConvert.PrivateKeyXmlToPkcs1()
  • Public Key : RsaKeyConvert.PublicKeyXmlToPem()
  • Private Key : RsaKeyConvert.PrivateKeyXmlToPkcs8()
  • Public Key : RsaKeyConvert.PublicKeyXmlToPem()
  • Private Key : RsaKeyConvert.PrivateKeyPkcs1ToXml()
  • Public Key : RsaKeyConvert.PublicKeyPemToXml()
  • Private Key : RsaKeyConvert.PrivateKeyPkcs1ToPkcs8()
  • Public Key : No conversion required
  • Private Key : RsaKeyConvert.PrivateKeyPkcs8ToXml()
  • Public Key : RsaKeyConvert.PublicKeyPemToXml()
  • Private Key : RsaKeyConvert.PrivateKeyPkcs8ToPkcs1()
  • Public Key : No conversion required

Encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify signatures

XML, Pkcs1, Pkcs8 respectively corresponding categories: RsaXmlUtil, RsaPkcs1Util, RsaPkcs8Util.They inherit from the abstract class RSAUtilBase

  • Encrypt: RSAUtilBase.Encrypt()
  • Decrypt: RSAUtilBase.Decrypt()
  • Sign: RSAUtilBase.SignData()
  • Verify: RSAUtilBase.VerifyData()

PEM formatting

Use class RsaPemFormatHelper.

  • Format Pkcs1 format private key: RsaPemFormatHelper.Pkcs1PrivateKeyFormat()

  • Remove the Pkcs1 format private key format: RsaPemFormatHelper.Pkcs1PrivateKeyFormatRemove()

  • Format Pkcs8 format private key: RsaPemFormatHelper.Pkcs8PrivateKeyFormat()

  • Remove the Pkcs8 format private key format: RsaPemFormatHelper.Pkcs8PrivateKeyFormatRemove()

Reference component

bc-csharp - onovotny


dotnetrsa - DotnetRSA is a .NET Core Global Tool.Dotnet RSA Tool can help you generate xml pkcs1, pkcs8 three kinds of format keys, and supports three types of mutual conversion.