
a simple plugin to manage your lcs (listchars) settings

Primary LanguageLua


Manage your listchars display settings easily.


Plug 'stumash/lcs.nvim'


Call setup() to activate the plugin

require'lcs'.setup() -- no arg = default config

Configure the plugin by passing a table to setup()

-- the config object passed to `setup()` must have the shape:
-- {
--   enabled: bool,
--   chars: {
--     listcharName: { enabled: bool, value: str },
--     ...
--   }
-- }
  -- this is the default config
  enabled = true,
  chars = {
    s = { enabled = false, value = [[space:•]] },
    tb = { enabled = true, value = [[tab:→\ ]] },
    e = { enabled = false, value = [[eol:↴]] },
    tr = { enabled = true, value = [[trail:⁃]] },

Then you can toggle the visibility of listchars using toggleShow(listcharName)

" toggle individual listchar visibilities
nnoremap <leader>LCSs <CMD>lua require'lcs'.toggleShow('s')<CR>
nnoremap <leader>LCSt <CMD>lua require'lcs'.toggleShow('tb')<CR>
nnoremap <leader>LCSe <CMD>lua require'lcs'.toggleShow('e')<CR>
nnoremap <leader>LCSr <CMD>lua require'lcs'.toggleShow('tr')<CR>
" toggle all listchar visibility
nnoremap <leader>LCSL <CMD>lua require'lcs'.toggleShow()<CR>