
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Talixo UI Kit

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It's UI Kit used through all Talixo front-end projects. You can see storybook here.

Getting started

Setting up environment

  • This project requires Node 4+ and yarn or npm installed
  • Clone this repository to your computer
  • Run npm run init or yarn run init:yarn
  • Everything is ready to go!

NPM Scripts available

You can run scripts using npm run NAME or yarn run NAME commands.

  • init / init:yarn - install required packages and bootstrap all subpackages.
  • build - build distributable version of all packages
  • storybook - run Storybook in development mode (available at http://localhost:9009/)
  • build-storybook - build static Storybook into storybook-static directory
  • compare-own-versions - compare local package versions with NPM ones, able to fix them by --fix param
  • compare-dependencies - compare dependencies in packages, able to fix some problems by --fix or update external dependencies by --update
  • readme-dependencies - list differences or update (--fix) peer dependencies in README files
  • check-missing-dependencies - check missing or not used dependencies in JS/SCSS/SASS files

Last 3 commands can also use --all flag, which will list everything, not only problems and differences. Also, both these commands, build and test allow --only flag, where you can list packages which should be taken in action.

Working with Lerna

Lerna is a tool for managing monorepos. You can install it globally for easier use. There are few most important commands:

  • lerna bootstrap - Install dependencies of subpackages, link cross-dependencies
  • lerna run - Run NPM command in all subpackages
  • lerna add some-package - Add some-package to all subpackages in repository
  • lerna updated - Check if any of subpackages has been updated
  • lerna publish - Publish changes to NPM registry

Running tests

There are two test runners available:


You can either run npm test or yarn test to run all tests. If you would like to run tests for specified packages only you can use --only parameter:

$ npm test -- --only icon sidebar

Also if you would like to pass additional parameters for Jest (i.e. --watch), you can do it just inside:

# Run watcher for Sidebar and Icon
$ npm test -- --only icon sidebar --watch

# Run watcher for all packages
$ npm test -- --watch

# Or alternatively you can use second task
$ npm run test:watch


There is also configuration setup for Wallaby test runner, and it just works out of the box.

Code style

We are using ESLint with StandardJS rules. It is validated on pre-commit hook as well.


There is set up Husky for Git hooks.

  • Before push: tests are passing
  • Before commit: code style is correct


Each package is available in packages directory. Typical structure:

├── .npmignore
├── README.md                        <-- Documentation
├── dist                             <-- Generated files
│   └── index.js
├── index.js                         <-- Main file
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── rollup.config.js                 <-- Simple build configuration
├── src                              <-- Module code
│   └── Switcher.js
├── stories.js                       <-- Stories which should be used in Storybook
├── styles                           <-- Sass styles
│   ├── config.sass                  <-- Styles configuration for components 
│   ├── geometry.sass                <-- Geometry (basic behavior) styles
│   ├── theming.sass                 <-- Theming (make it beautiful and matching Talixo) styles
│   └── main.sass                    <-- Used in storybook, includes both geometry and theming
└── tests                            <-- Directory for Jest tests
    ├── Switcher.test.js
    └── __snapshots__                <-- Automatically generated snapshots
        └── Switcher.test.js.snap

Creating new package

There is straight-forward wizard available after npm run create command.

Writing stories for storybook

Stories are automatically loaded into storybook from stories.js file directly in package directory. The same thing is with stylesheets, Storybook is automatically loading styles/main.sass file.

Creating story

You can use standard storybook options or use our helpers for that.

Simple story
import React from 'react'

import Something from './src/Something'

import { createStoriesFactory } from '@talixo/shared/story'

const addStory = createStoriesFactory('Something', module)

addStory('initial', 'some description', () => <Something />)
addStory('disabled', 'some description', () => <Something disabled />)
Controlled story

If you need to show component which needs to keep state somewhere, Storybook info addon by default will show source only of Controller. Because of that, there is additional helper which will show source code correctly:

import React from 'react'

import FancyButton from './src/FancyButton'

import { createStoriesFactory } from '@talixo/shared/story'

const addStory = createStoriesFactory('FancyButton', module)

function render (setState, state) {
  return (
    <div style={{ fontSize: state.size }}>
      <FancyButton onClick={() => setState({ size: state.size + 1 })}>Increase</FancyButton>

function getInitialState () {
  return {
    size: 10

addStory.controlled('initial', 'some description', render, getInitialState)

Development commands & troubleshooting

Description Example
Install all required packages through whole monorepo npm run init
Install development dependency for all packages or storybook npm install babel --save-dev
Install dependencies of all subpackages lerna bootstrap --hoist
Resolve cross-dependencies between our packages lerna bootstrap --hoist or lerna link
Install dependency inside single package lerna add jquery --scope @talixo/switcher
Run all tests npm test in main directory
Run tests for single package npm test -- --only switcher
Run watcher for all tests npm test -- --watch
Run watcher for single package npm test -- --only switcher --watch
There are problems with distributable packages, rebuild them npm run build
Create new package npm run create in main directory
Publish all changed packages to NPM lerna publish
Publish single package lerna publish --scope @talixo/switcher
Lint whole code npm run lint
Starting Storybook for development at port 9009 npm run storybook
Starting Storybook for development at different port npm run storybook -- -p 5555
Build static code for Storybook into storybook-static npm run build-storybook
Remove all node_modules find . -name "node_modules" -exec rm -rf '{}' + in main directory
Reinitializing everything find . -name "node_modules" -exec rm -rf '{}' + && npm run init in main directory
Compare our packages versions to these on NPM (w/ problems) npm run compare-own-versions
Compare our packages versions to these on NPM (list all) npm run compare-own-versions -- --all
Update our packages versions to match these on NPM npm run compare-own-versions -- --fix
Compare and list our dependencies (with problems) npm run compare-dependencies
Compare and list our dependencies (list all) npm run compare-dependencies -- --all
List our dependencies and fix local problems npm run compare-dependencies -- --fix
List our dependencies and update external to our newest deps npm run compare-dependencies -- --update
Fix peer dependencies in README.md file npm run readme-dependencies -- --fix
Check missing or not used dependencies (with problems) npm run check-missing-dependencies
Check missing or not used dependencies (list all) npm run check-missing-dependencies -- --all