
Pre-commit Git hooks for Magento project written in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pre-commit hooks v1.2.0

Build Status

  • Pre-commit Git hooks for Magento projects which check if:

    • Changes have been made to Magento core files. (PHP)
    • The code follows the default coding standard. (PHP)
    • There are debugging functions in JavaScript or PHP files. (PHP & JS)
  • Commit message git hook which checks if:

    • Commit message title should be capitalized
    • Commit message lines have more than 72 characters.
    • Message title and message body are not separated by empty line.


cd ~/Magento/project/repo/

ln -sf ~/Sites/stunt_mage_pre_commit_hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
ln -sf ~/Sites/stunt_mage_pre_commit_hooks/pre-commit.d .git/hooks/pre-commit.d
ln -sf ~/Sites/stunt_mage_pre_commit_hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/commit-msg

chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg


cd ~/Sites/stunt_mage_pre_commit_hooks

git pull origin master


To run tests, install jasmine-node and run jasmine-node spec/


  • Separate Magento & WordPress code and check against the appropriate coding standard.
  • Add jshit/jscs pre-commit hook.
  • Add pre-commit hook which checks if css files are minified.