M Challenge frontend


Frontend code for the M challenge. The application can be found at:

Caveats : The password are transfered and stored in plain text for the purpose of this challenge as it deserve a lot of test to ensure encryption and storage are secure in a real environment.

Technical description

The frontend is basedon Angular 7 and is entirely created in TypeScript. The code is scaffolded in 2 separate parts. Shared services and components as well as individual components.


Deployment can be done using automation websites or tools. Experiments have been made with CircleCI. As it is only static assets it could be deployed on AWS s# and frontend by Cloudfront or any other CDN to speed content delivery.

Additional enhancements

  • Add tracking id from the client to track request end to end for debugging.
  • Add more secure ways to login/register (OAuth, Webauthn, ...)