#sequel-location This gem gives you an easy setup and syntax for doing geolocation search in sequel.
IMPORTANT: This will only work for postgres databases
gem install sequel-location
##Usage sequel-location gives you access to a single dataset method, a few helpers for doing the database setup in migrations, and a nice syntax for configuring the plugin.
For example, say you have an application that lets a user find the nearest bar to them (within ten miles). The resulting
query on your Bar
model would be as follows.
Bar.nearest(43.038513,-87.908913,10) # orders results by distance to location
Bar.within(43.038513,-87.908913,10) # will not order results by distance
Sequel.migration do
up do
extension :pg_location
add_extension :cube # required for earthdistance
add_extension :earthdistance # required for geolocation
add_location_trigger :bars # provided by sequel-location to auto-calculate the earth point on update of latitude or longitude
alter_table :bars do
add_column :latitude, Decimal
add_column :longitude, Decimal
add_column :ll_point, 'earth' # ll_point is the default column for caching the caluclated earth point
add_index :ll_point, :type=>:gist # Not required, but suggested
down do
extension :pg_location
alter_table :bars do
drop_index :ll_point
drop_column :ll_point
drop_column :longitude
drop_column :latitude
drop_location_trigger :bars
drop_extension :earthdistance
drop_extension :cube
# optional named parameters
# * :latitude=>:lat
# * :longitude=>:lng
# * :earth_point=>:longitude_latitude_cache
class Bar < Sequel::Model
plugin :pg_location
###Options ####drop_location_trigger
- name - required
drop_location_trigger :bars
- latitude - alternative latitude column (optional, default is
)drop_location_trigger :bars, :latitude=>:lat
- longitude - alternative longitude column (optional, default is
)drop_location_trigger :bars, :longitude=>:lat
- earth_point - alternative column for caching earth-point (optional, default is
)drop_location_trigger, :earth_point=>:latitude_longitude_cache
You may specify any combination of the latitude
, longitude
, or earth_point
options but you must specify the same values in
your model plugin (if you're using one)