
Gedcom to simple json for use in mapping or other web display



ged2json converts GEDCOM files into a simple JSON format for online display use.

It comes in two flavors, array and GeoJSON.

It is a one-way format, it is not meant for conversion back to GEDCOM.

This spec is in progress.

Genealogical Data Flow

It is assumed that the genealogical data resides in a real genealogy program, probably on the user's computer, or possibly online. They then export the data to the GEDCOM format to publish it on the web.

ged2json parses that GEDCOM file and produces the JSON file for consumption by javascript or other applications.

To update the genealogical data on the web the user would update the data in their desktop program and export a new GEDCOM file.

JSON Output

ged2json can output two formats of JSON, either an array of ancestor objects or as a GeoJSON FeatureCollection of points.

All values are optional and can be omitted if not present, except the geometry in the GeoJSON feature, which must be set to null per the spec.

Array of Ancestor Objects

If the array of Ancestor Objects output is chosen, the output is a simple array of objects.

[An array of Ancestor Objects]

GeoJSON FeatureCollection

The GeoJSON output format is a standard FeatureCollection object which can be consumed by any modern web map software.

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [Array of GeoJSON Features]

GeoJSON Feature

Each ancestor is represented as a point feature, with their earliest known event (hopefully their birth) as the coordinates.

The GeoJSON feature properties is the Ancestor Object. Note that the Ancestor Object can contain other coordinates for the ancestor which you could use to switch their position on a map over time.

    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": {
        "type": "Point", 
        "coordinates": [longitude, latitude]
    "properties": {Ancestor Object}

Ancestor Object

A single ancetor is represented as follows:

    id          : GEDCOM ID (eg. I0294),
    name        : Primary Name,
    names       : [An array of all names],
    gender      : F|M|U,
    refdate     : A reference date object for the earliest known date for the ancestor,
    refplace    : A reference set of coordinates for the earliest known geocoded place for the ancestor
    husb  	    : [An array of person IDs],
    wife        : [An array of person IDs],
    mothers     : [An array of wive IDs who claim this individual as a child],
    fathers     : [An array of husband IDs who claim this individual as a child],
    children    : {A child object},
    events      : [An array of event objects]

Child Object

A hash of all of a person's children, pointing at their other parent.

Unknown parents are left as null (so the child Id key points to a null value)


    childId1 : spouseId1, 
    childId2 : spouseId1, 
    childId3 : spouseId2, 
    childId4 : null

Event Objects

Events have a type, a date and a place. If geocoding is selected the place string is attempted to be geocoded.

    type        : The GEDCOM event type string,
    date        : {Event date object},
    place       : {Place object},

Date Objects

Date objects are used for the individual and for events

Note: Construction JavaScript Date objects means using 0-based month numbers. We follow that wacky convention.

    raw         : The raw date string,
    y           : The parsed date's year only,
    m           : The parsed date's month only,
    d           : The parsed date's day only

Place Object

The place object represents a place with a string or coordinates

Note: Coordinates are in GeoJSON coordinate order (long,lat)

    raw     : The raw place string from the gedcom,
    geo     : {GeoJSON Feature}

Sample Implementation


Coming real soon.