
A few example Godot projects made with the Kenney assets

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A few example Godot projects made with the Kenney assets. I've tried to make these well-commented and polished enough to work as good starting points for people to make their own games.

Galactic Invaders

Galactic Invaders screenshot

A standard, simple, single-scene Space Invaders clone using the Kenney Space Shooter Redux and Sci-Fi Sounds asset packs. Provides good examples of using character bodies, signals, timers, particle effects, sound effects, autoload singletons, and a few other common features, as well as a template for organising your project.


Move with Left and Right arrows or left stick of gamepad Fire with Space Bar or right trigger of gamepad Restart with R or start button of gamepad