
Token Setup

You must add your own Sturfee, Mapbox, and Foursquare tokens into the project to fully use this sample project


  • Click on the 'Sturfee' tab at the top and then click 'Configure'
  • Add the token into the 'API Key' slot and press 'Request Access'
  • New buttons should appear above the 'API Key' slot. Press the 'Objects' button and then press 'First Time Setup'


  • Click on the 'Mapbox' tab at the top and then click 'Setup'
  • Add your Mapbox token under 'Access Token' and press 'Submit'


  • Open the FoursquareService.cs script
  • If you have generated an OAuth Foursquare token, simply paste it into the "_oauthToken" string variable and save
  • If you don't have this, paste the Client ID and Client Secret tokens from your foursquare account into the respective string variables in this script