
Simplifies your mapDispatchToProps significantly

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Action Wrapper

This is a recursive version of bindActionCreators. It simplifies your mapDispatchToProps and removes a significant amount of boilerplate by wrapping your action modules with the dispatch function. It takes an object that contains functions and returns those functions wrapped in the dispatch method. The object is traversed recursively. Non-functions are ignored.

Basic Usage

The action wrapper is only used in the mapDispatchToProps function that you pass to redux's connect.

import actionWrapper from 'redux-action-wrapper';

function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
	return actionWrapper({
		randomAction: () => ({type: 'MY_ACTION'})
	}, dispatch);


Only one function is provided.

var actions = actionWrapper({an object of actions}, dispatch)


  • actionsObject is an object, possibly nested, containing action functions.
  • dispatch is the dispatch method provided by react-redux.

Return Value

The actions object returned can be returned from mapDispatchToProps directly.

Using it in your components

All functions on the object passed to actionWrapper are wrapped in the dispatch function provided by Redux. You access them through this.props.

// for the root level

// for nested objects

// and deeply nested is the same

Usage with some context

import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

import * as userActions from 'path/to/userActions';
import * as modalActions from 'path/to/modalActions';

import actionWrapper from 'redux-action-wrapper';

class MyComponent extends React.Component {

	componentDidMount () {
		if (!this.props.user) {
			this.props.userActions.load(); // <---- ACTION USAGE
		this.props.randomAction(); // <------------ ACTION USAGE
	render () {
		if (this.props.user) {
			return (<span>{this.props.user.name}</span>);
		} else {
			return (<span>Loading...</span>);

function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
	return actionWrapper({ // <---------- ACTION WRAPPER IS HERE
		randomAction: () => ({type: 'MY_ACTION'})
	}, dispatch);

function mapStoreToProps (store) {
	return store;

export default connect(mapStoreToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(MyComponent);