
learning rust/wasm by building Full stack rust game. Yew for frontend, Axum for webserver.

deathrolling is a game made famous by world of warcraft, where players deathroll for gold.


  • Players take turns rolling a die.
  • The first player selects a number, and then rolls the die. The number they roll becomes the maximum number for the next player's roll.
  • If a player rolls a 1, they lose the game.


To build, install rust/trunk and add wasm target,

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install trunk wasm-bindgen-cli

Then build with the commands below

RUSTFLAGS=--cfg=web_sys_unstable_apis CARGO_TARGET_DIR=../target-trunk trunk build --release --public-url ./assets/

To run with the server/frontend, you can use the script in the root of the repository. or build the docker image using the dockerfile in the root repository.