
Configure an entire slapd with the OLC and Ansible

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


This role allows configuring the entire OLC of an OpenLDAP server. It requires you to have already created an OLC and have slapd running. Check out the slapd-base for this purpose.

slapd-config will create the global slapd configuration directly in cn=config, and load global modules like mdb if they are not compiled as static backends. Afterwards, the monitoring backend and an MDB are created and configured. The MDB supports specifying overlays.


A dpkg- or pacman-based Linux distribution.

Role Variables

There are some role-global variables:

Name Default/Required Description
slapd_enable_monitor true Load the monitor module (if required) and configure the monitor database.
slapd_modules_path /usr/lib/ldap Path to dynamic modules, if backends are required but need to be loaded.
slapd_additional_modules Also load these modules (apart from MDB and monitor) if not compiled in.
slapd_olc_rootdn_password ✔️ Password to access the OLC. Not automatically exported by slapd-base.
slapd_monitor_rootdn_password ✔️ The rootdn password for the monitor database. Will automatically be hashed.
slapd_mdb_rootdn_password ✔️ The rootdn password for the MDB database. Will automatically be hashed.
slapd_schemas Array of paths to schema files to load.
slapd_global_config See description Every single global slapd configuration option. See below for each description.
slapd_olc_config See description Every single global configuration value for the OLC database.
slapd_monitor_config See description Every single global configuration value for the monitor database.
slapd_mdb_config ✔️ Every single global configuration value for the MDB database.
slapd_mdb_overlays See description Every module for the MDB. See example for an example.

slapd-base variables

You need to set these variables if slapd-base was not run in a previous step in this playbook. All variables are required.

Name Default/Required Description
slapd_run_dir ✔️ Runtime directory for args file, pid file and ldapi socket
slapd_ldapi_socket ✔️ ldapi unix socket for local slapd administration
slapd_mdb_dir ✔️ Directory where the MDB resides in
slapd_olc_dir ✔️ Path where the LDIF files of the OLC reside
slapd_olc_rootdn ✔️ Rootdn of the OLC

Global configuration options

The global slapd OLC configuration is separated into different sections.

General configuration
Name Default/Required Description
olcConfigFile Path to a configuration file to load. Superseded by the OLC.
olcConfigDir {{slapd_olc_dir}} Path to the OLC database files.
olcArgsFile {{slapd_run_dir}}/slapd.args slapd will write its arguments to this file.
olcPidFile {{slapd_run_dir}}/slapd.pid slapd will write its PID to this file.
olcGentleHUP FALSE When TRUE, slapd will not kill existing connections on SIGHUP, but will wait for them to terminate.
olcServerID 0 ID of this server. Only required with multi-master replication.
Security-related configuration
Name Default/Required Description
olcAllows A set of features to allow.
olcDisallows A set of features to disallow.
olcRequires bind A set of conditions to require.
olcRestrict A list of operations that are restructed.
olcSecurity ssf=1 simple_bind=128 Specify a set of security strength factors to require.
olcAuthIDRewrite Used to convert simple user names to an LDAP DN used for auth purposes.
olcAuthzRegexp Used to convert simple user names to an LDAP DN used for auth purposes. Can be specified multiple times and requires server restart to take effect.
olcAuthzPolicy none Which rules to use for Proxy Authorization.
olcLocalSSF 300 Assumed SSF for LDAPI connections.
olcPasswordHash {SSHA} One or more hashing algorithms to use for password change extended modifications.
olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat %s The format of the salt when hashing passwords with crypt().
TLS configuration
Name Default/Required Description
olcTLSCertificateFile Public key file for slapd.
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile Private key for slapd.
olcTLSRandFile The file to obtain random bits from when urandom is not available.
olcTLSDHParamFile File containting primes for the Diffie-Hellman ephermal key exchange.
olcTLSCipherSuite TLS cipher suites to use.
olcTLSProtocolMin Minimum TLS version to require. Default is the highest possible level.
olcTLSCACertificateFile Path to a file containing all trusted certificate authorities.
olcTLSCACertificatePath Path to a directory containing files with all trusted certificate authorities.
olcTLSCRLCheck none If the CRL of the CA should be checked on connections.
olcTLSVerifyClient never When to verify the identity of the client.
Logging configuration
Name Default/Required Description
olcLogLevel stats Logging level configuration for each subsystem.
olcLogFile File to log to. slapd will always log to stderr.
olcPluginLogFile File to log slapi plugin output to.
olcReplogFile File for the replog which may be read by slurpd.
Threading configuration
Name Default/Required Description
olcConcurrency Threading hint for the operating system. Not used under Linux.
olcListenerThreads 1 Amount of threads for listening for connections. 1 is enough for up to 16 cores.
olcThreads 16 Amount of CPU threads for request processing.
olcToolThreads 1 Amount of CPU threads when running in tool mode. Should not exceed amount of cores in the system.
Timeouts and limits
Name Default/Required Description
olcIdleTimeout 0 Amount of seconds a client can do nothing before getting disconnected.
olcWriteTimeout 0 Amount of seconds a client with outstanding writes can do nothing before getting disconnected.
olcTimeLimit 3600 Maximum number of seconds slapd will spend answering a request. Allows an unlimited value.
olcSizeLimit 500 Maximmum number of entries to return from a search.
Name Default/Required Description
olcConnMaxPending 50 Maximum number of pending requests in anonymous sessions.
olcConnMaxPendingAuth 1000 Maximum number of pending requests in authenticated sessions.
olcTCPBuffer Size of the TCP buffer. Operating system may automatically tune this.
olcSockbufMaxIncoming 262143 Maximum size of the LDAP PDU for anonymous sessions.
olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth 4194303 Maximum size of the LDAP PDU for authenticated sessions.
Name Default/Required Description
olcSaslHost Fully qualified domain name used for SASL processing.
olcSaslRealm The SASL realm for SASL processing.
olcSaslSecProps Specify Cyrus SASL security properties.
olcSaslAuxprops Which auxprop plugins to use for authentication lookups.
Name Default/Required Description
olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen 2 The minimum length of subinitial and subfinal indices.
olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen 4 The maximum length of subinitial and subfinal indices.
olcIndexSubstrAnyLen 4 Length for subany indices. Attributes longer than this length are processed in segments.
olcIndexSubstrAnyStep 2 Steps used in subany lookups. This is the offset for the segments of the filter string that are processed.
olcIndexIntLen 4 Key length for ordered integer idices.
Name Default/Required Description
olcAttributeOptions x-hidden lang- Tagging attribute options or option tag/range prefixes.
olcReferral A referral URL to pass back when slapd cannot find a local database.
olcReverseLookup FALSE Enable client name unverified reverse lookups.
olcRootDSE Name of an LDIF file containing user defined attributes for the root DSE.
olcReadOnly FALSE Set the entire server into read-only mode. Warning: Once set to true, this value cannot be changed back without modifying the database files on disk and restarting slapd!
olcLdapSyntaxes I have seriously no idea why this attribute is here. There is no documentation on the internet.

Database configuration values

These values apply to every database (OLC, monitor, and MDB). This section gives an overview about all of them. The default values for each database are specified below. The MDB database also has some more attributes which are only supported on this database.

Name Required Description
olcSuffix ✔️ The DN suffix of queries that will be passed to the database backend. It is not required for the OLC and the monitor.
olcReadOnly ✔️ Puts this database into read-only mode. No modifications are possible.
olcHidden ✖️ Do not answer any queries to this database. slapd will deny the existence of this database.
olcLastMod ✔️ Whether slapd will automatically maintain modfiersName, modifyTimestamp, creatorsName, createTimestamp, entryCSN, and entryUUID.
olcSubordinate ✖️ Whether this database is a subordinate of another database.
Name Required Description
olcSecurity ✖️ Specify a set of security strength factors to require.
olcRootDN ✔️ Name of the RootDN of this database.
olcRootPW ✔️ Hashed password of the RootDN of this database.
olcRequires ✖️ A set of conditions to require.
olcRestrict ✖️ A list of operations that are restructed.
olcAddContentAcl ✔️ Whether operations will perform ACL check on the content of the entry being added.
olcAccess ✔️ Array of ACL rules for this database.
Timeouts and limits
Name Required Description
olcTimeLimit ✖️ Maximum number of seconds slapd will spend answering a requirest. Allows an unlimited value.
olcSizeLimit ✖️ Maximmum number of entries to return from a search.
olcLimits ✖️ Time and size limits based on the operation's initiator or base DN.
Name Required Description
olcSyncrepl ✖️ Syncrepl main configuration.
olcUpdateDN ✖️ DN permitted to update the replica. Should not be the rootDN.
olcSyncUseSubentry ✖️ Store the syncrepl contextCSN in a subentry instead of the context entry.
olcUpdateRef ✖️ The referral to bass back when slapd is asked to modify a replicated database.
olcMirrorMode ✖️ Puts this database into mirror mode.
Name Required Description
olcReplica ✖️
olcReplicaArgsFile ✖️
olcReplicaPidFile ✖️
olcReplicationInterval ✖️
olcReplogFile ✖️
Name Required Description
olcSchemaDN ✖️ DN for the subschema subentry for the entries.
olcMaxDerefDepth ✖️ Maximum amount of aliases to follow.
olcPlugin ✖️ Load slapi plugins.
olcMonitoring ✖️ Collect monitoring data for this database.
olcExtraAttrs ✖️ Specify attributes to return even when not searched for.
MDB settings

These settings only apply to the MDB database!

Name Required Default Description
olcDbDirectory ✔️ {{slapd_mdb_dir}} Path to the database directory on disk.
olcDbNoSync ✖️ TRUE Do not sync immediately after data was received.
olcDbCheckpoint ✖️ 8192 15 How often (KB/minutes) to flush the database to disk.
olcDbMaxReaders ✖️ Maximum number of threads that may access the DB concurrently.
olcDbMaxSize ✖️ Maximum size of DB in bytes.
olcDbMode ✖️ 0600 File mode of database files.
olcDbSearchStack ✖️ 16 Depth of the stack during search filter evaulations.
olcDbRtxnSize ✖️ Number of entries to process in one read transaction.
olcDbIndex ✖️ Indices to create on this database.

Default values for each database

Name Frontend default OLC default Monitor default MDB default
olcHidden FALSE
olcLastMod TRUE TRUE
olcRootDN {{slapd_olc_rootdn}} cn=root,cn=monitor cn=root,{{olcSuffix}}
olcRootPW [Hashed password] [Hashed password] [Hashed password]
olcAddContentAcl TRUE TRUE
olcAccess 'to * by * read' 'to * by * none' 'to * by * none' 'to * by * none'
olcSyncUseSubentry FALSE FALSE
olcMirrorMode FALSE
olcSchemaDN cn=Subschema
olcMaxDerefDepth 15 15
olcMonitoring FALSE FALSE


schema2ldif must be installed.

Example Playbook

- hosts: ldap
  - slapd-config
    slapd_modules_path: /usr/lib/openldap
    slapd_olc_rootdn_password: water
    slapd_mdb_rootdn_password: water
    slapd_monitor_rootdn_password: water
    slapd_additional_modules: [ 'memberof' ]
      olcSuffix: "dc=example,dc=com"
        olcOverlay: memberof
        objectClass: olcMemberOf
        olcMemberOfDangling: ignore


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