
Some more or less useful scripts in use

Primary LanguagePython

Dirty scripts


Your user configuration, set REMOTE_USER to your stuvus username.


This script is intended to safety reboot our hypervisor.

It requires following tools installed:

  • nmap
  • ping
  • xfreerdp
  • sed
  • scp,ssh
  • curl
  • grep
  • mplayer - to indicate user attention


Fix commonly failed hosts and check for failed units and some other stuff.


The propose of this script is it to start, stop or restart all VMs and iSCSI devices. VMs listed in /etc/xen/disabled_vms.txt(one per line) are only stopped and excluded from the start/boot process. You can use disable_vms.sh to disable them interactively. This script is also invoked by reboot.sh.


This script can take exactly zero or one argument

  • start - only login into all iSCSI devices and start all enabled VMs
  • stop - stop all running VMs and logout from all iSCSI devices
  • restart - do both start and stop

If no argument is given start is assumed.


A script which list and modifies disabled VMs. VMs listed in /etc/xen/disabled_vms.txt. You can execute this script right inside this repository.


Script so check all submodules on our main config repository for updates.


The commandline switch -u can be used to show only modules which are not up to date.


Helper script to close all services using the serial port our hypervisor is attached to and to execute reboot_hypervisor.expect. This invoked by reboot.sh, don't execute it directly.


Helper script to enter the luks password. This script is invoked by reboot_hypervisor.sh which is used by reboot.sh and should never be executed directly by the user.


Simple bash script to test IO performance.


Bash script which lists scanned tags on door01 with Date and Timestamp takes two arguments, lines and pattern list_badges 100 new -> lists all the tags which are not known users in the last 100 scanned tags


SQL commands to replace URLs of a WordPress instance