
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


This role sets up fail2ban.


An apt-based system with fail2ban in a configured repository. The role can be used in combination with the nginx role.

Role Variables


Name Required/Default Description
fail2ban_bantime 3600 Time to ban hosts. Can be overwritten for individual jails.
fail2ban_findtime 600 If a hosts exceeds fail2ban_maxretry violations within this timeframe it will get banned. Can be overwritten for individual jails.
fail2ban_maxretry 3 Maximum violations until ban. Can be overwritten for individual jails.
fail2ban_enabled False Whether to enable all jails by default.
fail2ban_backend systemd Default backend used to read logs and detect violations.
fail2ban_logencoding auto
fail2ban_ignoreip [""] List of IPs that must not get banned.


fail2ban_jails is a dict where the key corresponds to the jail name and the value is an object with the following attributes:

Name Required/Default Description
ports ✔️ List of port numbers to check. Is only considered by certain filters. Numbers or names of well-defined ports (e.g. ssh, http, sftp) are allowed.
logpath ✔️ Logfile to check.
backend {{ fail2ban_backend }} Backend e.g. systemd or auto
enabled {{ fail2ban_enabled }} Enables/Disables the jail.
maxretry {{ fail2ban_maxretry }} Maximum violations until ban.
bantime {{ fail2ban_bantime }} Time to ban hosts.
findtime {{ fail2ban_findtime }} If a hosts exceeds fail2ban_maxretry or respectively maxretry violations within this timeframe it will get banned.
filters ✖️ Name of the filter to be applied.
action ✖️ Name of the action to be applied if a filter matches.

Example Playbook

    ports: [ http, https ]
    filter: wordpress
    action: nginx
    logpath: "%(nginx_error_log)s"
    backend: "%(default_backend)s"
    enabled: True


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