
Ansible openvpn role

Primary LanguageJinjaCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


This role installs OpenVPN, configures it as a server and can optionally create client certificates.


This role requires an apt based system.

Role Variables

Role variable Default Description
openvpn_base_dir /etc/openvpn Path where your OpenVPN config will be stored
openvpn_key_dir /etc/openvpn/keys Path where your server private keys and CA will be stored
openvpn_port 1194 The port you want OpenVPN to run on.
openvpn_server_hostname {{inventory_hostname}} The server name to place in the client configuration file (if different from the inventory_hostname)
openvpn_proto udp The protocol you want OpenVPN to use
openvpn_dualstack true Whether or not to use a dualstack (IPv4 + v6) socket
openvpn_rsa_bits 2048 Number of bit used to protect generated certificates
openvpn_service_name openvpn Name of the service. Used by systemctl to start the service
openvpn_use_pregenerated_dh_params false DH params are generted with the install by default
openvpn_use_modern_tls true Use modern Cipher for TLS encryption
openvpn_verify_cn false Check that the CN of the certificate matches the FQDN
openvpn_redirect_gateway true OpenVPN gateway push
openvpn_set_dns true Will push DNS to the client
openvpn_enable_management true
openvpn_management_bind /var/run/openvpn/management unix The interface to bind on for the management interface. Can be unix or TCP socket.
openvpn_management_client_user root Use this user when using a Unix socket for management interface.
openvpn_tls_auth_required true Ask the client to push the generated ta.key of the server during the connection
openvpn_ca_key CA key containing both crt and the private key. If not set, CA cert and key will be automatically generated on the target system.
openvpn_tls_auth_key Single item with a pre-generated TLS authentication key.
openvpn_topology the topology keyword will be set in the server config with the specified value.
openvpn_push empty Set here a list of string that will be placed as push "<string>". E.g. - route will generate push "route".
openvpn_crl_path Define a path to the CRL file for revocations.
openvpn_use_crl false Configure OpenVPN server to honor certificate revocation list.
openvpn_client_register_dns true Add register-dns option to client config (Windows only).
openvpn_duplicate_cn false Add duplicate-cn option to server config - this allows clients to connect multiple times with the one key.
openvpn_clients [] List of client objects for which certificates should be generated.
openvpn_dns_servers ["",""] List of DNS servers to push to the client
openvpn_cipher AES-256-CBC Cipher to use.
openvpn_auth_hash_algo SHA256 Algorithm to use for auth.
openvpn_openssl_digest sha256 Digest Algorithm to use when signing and creating certs.
openvpn_openssl_days 3650 How many days are the certs valid.
openvpn_use_lzo true Enable or disable compression.
openvpn_tls_cipher List of TLS Cipher to support
openvpn_fetch_configs true Download client configurations from the server.
openvpn_up_commands [] Commands ran when the OpenVPN TAP/TUN interface goes up
openvpn_extra_config [] Extra lines added to the server configuration

Client objects

A client object is a dictionary that can contain the following keys.

Key Mandatory? Description
name ✔️ Name of the client. Has to be unique.
ip_address ✖️ IP address given to the client via ifconfig-push
netmask ✖️ Netmask of that IP address
push ✖️ Miscellaneous strings to be used with the push command to the client


Role variable Default Description
openvpn_use_ldap false Active LDAP backend for authentication. Client certificate not needed anymore.
openvpn_ldap Dictionary that contains the LDAP configuration](#the-openvpn-ldap-object)

The openvpn_ldap object

The contents of this dictionary are only relevant if openvpn_use_ldap is true. It is a dictionary that can contain the following keys.

Key Mandatory? Example Description
url ✔️ ldap://host.example.com Address of you LDAP backend with syntax ldap[s]://host[:port]
anonymous_bind ✔️ False This is not an Ansible boolean but a string that will be pushed into the configuration file
bind_dn ✔️ uid=Manager,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com Bind DN used if "anonymous_bind" set to "False"
bind_password ✔️ mysecretpassword Password of the bind_dn user
tls_enable ✔️ no Enable STARTTLS. Not necessary with ldaps addresses
tls_ca_cert_file If tls_enable is true /etc/openvpn/auth/ca.pem Path to the CA ldap backend. This must have been pushed before
base_dn ✔️ ou=People,dc=example,dc=com Base DN where the backend will look for valid user
search_filter ✔️ (&(uid=%u)(accountStatus=active)) Filter the ldap search
require_group ✔️ This is not an Ansible boolean but a string that will be pushed into the configuration file
group_base_dn ✔️ ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com Precise the group to look for. Required if require_group is set to "True"
group_search_filter ✔️ ((cn=developers)(cn=artists)) Precise valid groups

Routing vs Bridging

The openvpn_use_bridge role variable lets you chose between routing and bridging.

Role variable Default Description
openvpn_use_bridge false Enables bridging (TAP) as opposed to routing (TUN).


The following variables are only relevant if you chose routing (i.e. openvpn_use_bridge is false).

Role variable Required/Default Description
openvpn_tunnel_subnetv4 Private IPv4 subnet inside the tunnel
openvpn_tunnel_subnetv6 ✖️ Private IPv6 subnet inside the tunnel
openvpn_tunnel_dynamic_ipv4_range_start 2 Offset where the dynamic IPv4 range starts
openvpn_tunnel_dynamic_ipv4_range_end 253 Offset where the dynamic IPv4 range ends
openvpn_tunnel_dynamic_ipv6_range_start ::f:0:0:0 Offset where the dynamic IPv6 range starts


The following variables are only relevant if you chose *bridging) (i.e. openvpn_use_bridge is true).

Role variable Default Description
openvpn_bridge_name br0 Name of the bridge
openvpn_bridge_eth_interface eth0 Ethernet interface that's connected to the bridge
openvpn_bridge_address IP address of the bridge interface. Defaults to no IP address being configured.
openvpn_bridge_enable_dhcp true Enable OpenVPN's own DHCP server
openvpn_bridge_dhcp_push_gateway Relevant if openvpn_bridge_enable_dhcp is true. Gateway address for the clients
openvpn_bridge_dhcp_push_netmask Relevant if openvpn_bridge_enable_dhcp is true. Netmask of the bridge network
openvpn_bridge_dhcp_range_start Relevant if openvpn_bridge_enable_dhcp is true. Start of the DHCP range
openvpn_bridge_dhcp_range_end Relevant if openvpn_bridge_enable_dhcp is true. End of the DHCP range

On the bridge network, client IP address allocation can be handled in two ways:

  • If openvpn_bridge_enable_dhcp is true: Let OpenVPN run an own DHCP server on the bridge network.
  • If openvpn_bridge_enable_dhcp is false: Use an external DHCP server that's connected through the bridged ethernet interface. You have to set that DHCP server up yourself.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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