
My VIM configuration files

Primary LanguageVim Script


Installing vim (OSX, requires homebrew)

  brew install macvim --override-system-vim

Install ag

Install tmux

  brew install tmux

Clone this repository

 git clone git://github.com/rkrdo/vimfiles.git ~/.vim

Now run the rake command to create the symlinks (you need to have Ruby installed)

  cd ~/.vim

Or if you don't have Ruby in your system:

  ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
  ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc

Fetch the plugins:

  cd ~/.vim
  rake install_plugins

Or you can do it manually:

Go to cd ~/.vim, launch vim and run :BundleInstall

#Updating Plugins

You can update the plugins running (again, a Ruby installation is needed)

  rake update_plugins

Or manually:

Go to cd ~/.vim, launch vim and run :BundleInstall! (notice the bang ! at the end)

##Control-enter hack

I have an insert mode mapping for MacVim that basically escapes insert mode and presses o, so I can go to a new line while being in insert mode. Unfortunately if I press this key combination in Terminal Vim, it makes my terminal enter fullscreen mode, I found a hack on Stack Overflow to map Control-Enter to this behavior.


Find this repo useful?

  1. Fork it
  2. Add more useful plugins
  3. Commit the changes
  4. Create a new Pull Request


  • clean the folder and add the submodules

  • add a rake task to automate the symlinks and submodule fetching

  • changed from Pathogen to Vundle

  • add list of plugins and git repository link