Sophia Saint-Val IS 218-002
Please design a simple user management system. The system must have user sign-up, sign-out, and login functions The system should have a user log-in page taking the following information from users:
- User name: must be an email address
- Password: it must be masked
The login page should have two buttons: log-in and sign-up.
- After a user clicks the log-in, the system should direct the user to a new page showing the user’s profile: first and last name, College, and major. On this new page, it should have a sign-out button. If the user clicks the sign-out button, the system should direct the user to a new page showing the msg: “You have successfully signed out.”
- If the user clicks sign-up, the system goes to the sign-up page.
The system should have a user sign-up page taking the following information from users
- User name: must be an email address
- Password: it must be masked
- First name
- Last name
- College
- Major
After signing up, the system should direct the user to the user profile page containing the above-collected information. For any input fields, the system should have simple input validation capability:
- No empty fields are allowed after clicking any buttons
- User name must be an email
- Names should not have numbers in them Aesthetics (5%) Style your pages using CSS to make them polished.