
Simple ETW unhook PoC. Overwrites NtTraceEvent opcode to disable ETW at Nt-function level.

Primary LanguageC++


Simple ETW unhook PoC. Overwrites NtTraceEvent opcode to disable ETW at Nt-function level.


Don't be evil with this. I created this tool to learn. I'm not responsible if the Feds knock on your door.

What this does

  • Obtains NTDLL.dll base address via walking PEB.
  • Obtains all Nt* function SSN's by grabbing all Zw* functions and sorting by address in ascending order.
  • Obtains address of unhooked syscall; ret opcode sequence for indirect syscalling.
  • Performs unhooking via indirectly syscalling NtProtectVirtualMemory and NtWriteVirtualMemory.
  • Unhooks/patches ETW by overwriting NtTraceEvent opcodes with ret.


  • Moneta (and probably other stuff) catches this (alerts on Modified Code in NTDLL).
  • That's all it does. (I lied. This can be modified to use any code to repatch any Nt* function.)


MDSec - Bypassing User-Mode Hooks and Direct Invocation of System Calls for Red Teams https://www.mdsec.co.uk/2020/12/bypassing-user-mode-hooks-and-direct-invocation-of-system-calls-for-red-teams/

Marcus Hutchins - An Introduction to Bypassing User Mode EDR Hooks https://malwaretech.com/2023/12/an-introduction-to-bypassing-user-mode-edr-hooks.html

passthehashbrwn - Hiding Your Syscalls https://passthehashbrowns.github.io/hiding-your-syscalls

jstigerwalt - Bypassing ETW For Fun and Profit https://whiteknightlabs.com/2021/12/11/bypassing-etw-for-fun-and-profit/