
My feeble attempts at Project Euler challenges, includes a cache of Project Euler problems for offline use (i.e. long plane rides)

Primary LanguageC


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/stvhwrd/ProjectEuler The home of my (often feeble) attempts at [Project Euler] (https://projecteuler.net/) challenges. This repo includes a cache of all Project Euler challenge questions for offline (i.e. long plane rides) access. Big thanks to Kyle Keen's Local Euler for making that possible.

After once through the normal Project Euler, I will move on to ProjectEuler+ on HackerRank. The challenges are basically the same but the test cases are hidden (and include edge case tests) and computation time and resources are limited.


I tend to try first in C and then, once solved, move into a different language such as Java or Python. As such, my final solutions are often quite... non-idiomatic. Like, really not idiomatic at all. I have this horrible tendency to try to translate my methods "word for word" from C into other languages. It's exactly as ineffective as it seems.

The struggle is real.

Code Comments

I also have not bothered to comment most of these solutions although if I were particularly proud of one I may take the time to comment/narrate it thoroughly.


Some of the first solutions were copy and pasted from my own solutions on HackerRank ProjectEuler+, where the secret test files are input rather than a hardcoded value as per original Projet Euler.

As a result there may be some scanning in and printing out of various values that wouldn't suit the normal project euler problems.

This is just a low-priority housekeeping issue which I intend to address sometime in the next month (after exams).