
A poem, an algorithm

Primary LanguagePython



This poem is comprised of three components:

  • an input: disguise.txt
    • The input file, written in unicode text, is meant to be read by humans. However, it also contains specific whitespace characters, which carry special meaning to the algorithm, despite being otherwise invisible to the human eye.
  • an algorithm: lies.py
    • The algorithm, written in Python, is meant to be read by machines. Conversely, it uses specially constructed syntax which allows it be read as poetry by a human user.
  • an output: eyes.txt
    • Feeding the input file into the algorithm produces an output file which while plaintext, can be viewed as a relevant piece of ASCII art.

These three parts fit together in both form and function, mechanically and metaphysically.


git clone https://github.com/stvstnfrd/pyliesdisguised.git
cd pyliesdisguised
make lies


Output inspired by http://kamose.deviantart.com/art/ASCII-Wadjet-49389455