
Jobber is a demo job board app built with Ruby on Rails, React and Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Job Find

Job Find is a demo job board app.

Live Demo

Key Features


Job Find features a search tool for jobs and companies, complete with filtering for various parameters including location, industry, job type, team size, and more.

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View Posts

Users can view job posts and companies in detail.

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When viewing a job, several related jobs are displayed at the bottom of the page.

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Create Job Posts and Companies

When users sign up, they are able to add companies and job posts to the database. If requirements change, they can come back later and edit or remove their post.

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Future Developmet

In the future, it would be great to add features that allow job seekers to apply to jobs using resumes that they upload through the platform. Additionally, we can allow employers to search for candidates using the same filter-based approach that was used for jobs and companies.