- Overview of the Cloud Foundry Experience
- Demonstration of 'cf push'
- Scale app, kill app (to illustrate restart), monitoring
- [Hands-on Spring Boot application 'push' to Cloud Foundry] (https://github.com/stwomack/SpringWorkshop-DST/blob/master/docs/services.md)
- [Bind services using Spring Cloud Connector] (https://github.com/stwomack/SpringWorkshop-DST/blob/master/docs/services.md)
- Emulate patching a JVM vulnerability via buildpack upgrade
- Install PCFDev (local all-in-one installation of Pivotal Cloud Foundry on a workstation)
- Push an actual DST app to Cloud Foundry locally
- Build a CI pipeline with Concourse CI
- Build Blue/Green & Canary deployments
- Getting Started Guide: http://pivotal.io/platform/pcf-tutorials/getting-started-with-pivotal-cloud-foundry
- Cloud Foundry CLI: https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/cf-cli/install-go-cli.html
- VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
- Vagrant: https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html