
Book recommendation engine with use of graph database and graph neural network.

Primary LanguagePython

Graph ML on PyTorch Geometric in Neo4j

PyTorch Geometric is a Python library for dealing with graph algorithms.


Use the package manager poetry in myenv to install foobar. Install pyenv befrorehand.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install poetry --no-cache   
poetry install

Now build desired neo4j container.

CONTAINER=$(docker run -d \
    -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 \
    -v $(pwd)/data/neo4j_db/data:/data \
   -v $(pwd)/data/neo4j_db/logs:/logs \
   -v $(pwd)/data/neo4j_db/import:/var/lib/neo4j/import \
    --name test-neo4j-stx-books-recommender44 \
    -e NEO4J_apoc_export_file_enabled=true \
    -e NEO4J_apoc_import_file_enabled=true \
    -e NEO4J_apoc_import_file_use__neo4j__config=true \
    -e NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/stx_books_pass \
   -e NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS='["apoc", "graph-data-science"]' \

Of note: We use here 4.4 version due to not being stable (at 30.01) APOC version from 5. x. This might vary in future.


Once Docker Container is up and running, create contents based on queries in YOUR_DOCKER_NEO_LOCATION/db_loader.cypher file. You have few options:

  1. (Easy-mode) You can run them in browser and just copy-paste.
  2. Within terminal run ->

$ docker exec $CONTAINER /var/lib/neo4j/bin/neo4j-shell -f YOUR_DOCKER_NEO_LOCATION/db_loader.cypher

or for interactive mode... (to copy-paste like in the browser)

$ docker exec -ti $CONTAINER /var/lib/neo4j/bin/neo4j-shell

Important! (ML Flow setup)

Before running your code, you need to define all variables stored in .env.



So either uses your own MLFlow account or use your dockerized one.

Data schema

After proper data population within the graph database there should be visible following schema: Database Schema Or you can try by yourself by calling

CALL db.schema.visualization()

So we have the following:

  • Users - representing our users with some attributes (including first_name, last_name etc)
  • Titles - representing specific books with their metadata. Connected with a user with relations RATED_BY and READ_BY. While RATED_BY has its wage (0-10) and is used for further embeddings via FastRB to classify and obtain our recommendations (that will be modelled via RECOMMENDED_BY)
  • Authors - Node that points to the given Author of the book, with its metadata. By relation WRITTEN_BY
  • YearsOfPublications - node for a specific year of publication (via WRITTEN_IN_YEAR relation)
  • Publishers - node representing publisher of a given book (via PUBLISHED_BY relation)

More detailed schema (with specific indices in csv view) can be read here

Dataset source

Our dataset comes from Kaggle Dataset It was modified limited to 50k and for readability by adding fixtures to Users (first name, last name) by faker so that any similarity to real person is pure coincidence :)


Then run the following code in the terminal for the training model and create a new RECOMMENDED_TO relationship.

python3 main.py

Obviously, the relationship is between Titles and Users (Titles)-[:RECOMMENDED_TO)->(Users)

Below is a fracture of new relationships: Example recommendations

How the process of embeddings (to temporary book_titles graph) looks like: FastRP embeeding


- TODO: See also our blog-post!

Graph-based recommendations give us a very powerful tool to search by different criteria. Where our imagination is the limit.

  • Finding recommendations based on User criteria

Results of recommendation for a specific user (in this case Patti Jacobs) All recommendations to user "Patti Jacobs"

MATCH paths=(u: Users {first_name: 'Patti', last_name: 'Jacobs'})-[:RECOMMENDED_TO]->(t:Titles) RETURN paths;
  • Overlapping sets

List of readers that loves "pride & prejudice" to check what they have in common: Recommendation based on most popular For results CSV

MATCH (romance_lovers:Users)-[:READ_BY]->(n:Titles) WHERE n.title = 'Pride and Prejudice'
MATCH (other_book:Titles)-[:RECOMMENDED_T0]->(romance_lovers:Users)
WHERE id(other_book) <> id(n)
RETURN other_book.author AS author, other_book.title AS title;
  • Recommendations based on popularity

What are the best guesses for top-5 book readers? Below the cypher, sub-query obtaining first part Most popular - cypher

Full query showing all recommendations Most popular - graph For results CSV

  MATCH (users:Users)-[:READ_BY]->(n:Titles)
  WITH COUNT(n) AS counter, n, COLLECT(id(users)) AS user_ids
  RETURN n.title, counter, user_ids
  ORDER BY counter DESC
WITH user_ids
UNWIND user_ids AS user_id
MATCH (u:Users {user:user_id})-[:RECOMMENDED_TO]->(t2:Titles)
  • Recommendation on any criteria

Here make the limitation to only readers based on US that have already rated books published after 1984!

Recommended after 84' For results CSV

  MATCH (u:Users)-[r:RATED_BY]->(t:Titles)
  WITH lTrim(split(u. location, ',')[-1]) AS location, t, u
  WHERE Location - 'usa' AND t.year_of_publication > 1984
  RETURN t, u
  LIMIT 10
MATCH (u)<-[:RECOMMENDED_TO]-(t2:Titles)
RETURN t2.author AS recommended_author, t2.title AS recommended_title

Next steps

Pulling data from Neo4j and loading results to Neo4j are made with the use of ["graph-data-science", "apoc"] plugins.

For a visualisation - an example of new mapping can be found in the sample/results.txt file, but it is not updated after new training.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

