
The final assignment for the course Web Data Processing Systems at VU.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a pratical assignment for the course Web Data Processing Systems named IntelliVerify.

This program is designed to improve the performance of large language models such as LLaMA. Our main implementations include:

  1. Given certain types of questions, parse the output of LLaMA and extract a clean answer;

  2. With the aid of Wikipedia, link the answer to an entity and decide the answer's correctness.

Setup using source code

To run this program locally, please follow the next procedure:

  1. Use the Docker image loaded with 7B parameters llama2 model (provided).

    • To download the docker image, type command: docker pull karmaresearch/wdps2
    • To run the docker image, type command: docker run -ti karmaresearch/wdps2
  2. Transmit the source code to the docker image.

    • Enter the root folder of IntelliVerify

    • Use the command docker cp ./IntelliVerify $(ContainerID):/home/user/

Please remember to change the ContainerID to your local container ID with the help of docker ps -a.

  1. Install the requirements.

    • Go into the terminal of the docker, then $cd ~/IntelliVerify.
    • Install pipreqs via command $pip install pipreqs, then $pipreqs . --encoding=utf-8.
    • Then $pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Download the dataset and pre-trained model for answer extracting.

    • From here you can download the "model_squad.pt" file which is used for the answer extraction module. Then, copy it into the folder of IntelliVerify: docker cp /model_squad.pt $(ContainerID):~/IntelliVerify.
    • From here you can download the "tokenizer" folder. First, under the /home/user path of your docker environment, please execute mkdir nltk_data. Then, please copy the tokenizer into the bash: docker cp /tokenizer $(ContainerID):/home/user/nltk_data.

If there are problems with file permissions, use sudo chmod to adjust the permissions. We recommend you to sudo chmod 777 IntelliVerify once and for all.

  1. Execute the program to see the results.

    • Type in your questions to example_input.txt. If you do not have specific questions to ask, you can also just use the default questions in this file.
    • Open the docker's terminal, then $cd ~/IntelliVerify/, then execute $python3 main.py.
    • After the program is executed, the result of each input will be printed in the terminal. The answers will be written into the example_output.txt file.

Setup using existing image

  • Please kindly log in to the Google Drive path and download newimage.tar.
  • After that, type in # docker load < newimage.tar in your bash. You can use # docker images to look for existing images.
  • If the repository name and tag is missing, please execute # docker tag <container ID> <your_customized_name>:latest.
  • Please run the image with # docker run -itd <your_customized_name>:latest.

Possible errors

  • If appears error: OSError: [E050] Can't find model 'en_core_web_sm'., then input python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm.
  • If there are problems with file permissions, use sudo chmod to adjust the permissions. We recommend you to sudo chmod 777 IntelliVerify once and for all.
  • If any other package fails to automatically download, please install manually using pip install. We know that can be tiresome :(.

Program Structure

---- IntelliVerify\
 |---- README.md
 |---- Similarity.py
 |---- WikiReq.py
 |---- access_llm.py
 |---- example_input.txt
 |---- extract_answer.py
 |---- main.py
 |---- ner.py
 |---- output.txt
 |---- requirements.txt