Rocket-FFT makes Numba aware of numpy.fft and scipy.fft. Rocket-FFT takes its name from the PocketFFT Fast Fourier Transformation library that powers it, and Numba's goal of making your scientific Python code blazingly fast - like a rocket. 🚀
- abauvilleYokohama, Japan
- AlecThomsonCSIRO
- alfir-v10Kazan
- amouxCincinnati
- anvlobachev
- astrogewgawNational Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- braniiiFreiburg, Germany
- carlosal1015National University of Engineering
- david-zwickerMax Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
- esarradj
- ExtReMLapinAlphabet boys
- fakephysicistOrlando, FL, USA
- floopypoppy
- GeorgWaMax Planck Institute of Biochemistry
- JHoelli
- jiangqrsucheon
- jllanfranchiFrequency Electronics, Inc.
- jorenhamBoatBoatBoat
- KevinSchaerSwitzerland
- Korsidar
- kwspWashington University in St. Louis
- markmarkchen
- mitanshu7
- mjcrockUnited States
- NorbertZhengPeking University
- pravirkrRehovot, Israel
- pty819
- rebeccayunchen
- robflynnyhThe University of Sheffield
- styfenschaer
- the-veloperSofia
- ToktomGFaI e.V.
- tom1919
- xiawaner
- zansibal
- zhaoyunxi