
✅ Check the TLS protocol support of one or more web servers

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Check the TLS protocol support of one or more web servers


Pass one or more hostnames with optional port to see a list of supported protocols that each server supports.

npx tls-check google.com https://bing.com vercel.com:443
Checking TLS against 3 website(s)...

✅ google.com TLSv1 Enabled.
✅ google.com TLSv1.1 Enabled.
✅ google.com TLSv1.2 Enabled.
✅ google.com TLSv1.3 Enabled.

✅ bing.com TLSv1 Enabled.
✅ bing.com TLSv1.1 Enabled.
✅ bing.com TLSv1.2 Enabled.
❌ bing.com TLSv1.3 Disabled.

❌ vercel.com TLSv1 Disabled.
❌ vercel.com TLSv1.1 Disabled.
✅ vercel.com TLSv1.2 Enabled.
✅ vercel.com TLSv1.3 Enabled.

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