
Project goal is to provide example implementation of simple work task manager based on DropWizzard framework using JWT for authentication and Vue.js as frontend.

Primary LanguageJava



Project goal is to provide example implementation of simple work task manager based on DropWizzard framework using JWT for authentication and Vue.js as frontend.

How to start the tasker application

  1. Run mvn clean install to build your application
  2. Run java -jar target/tasker-0.1.jar db migrate config.yml to prepare DB schema
  3. Start application with java -jar target/tasker-0.1.jar server config.yml
  4. To run GUI enter url http://localhost:9000/gui/index.html

How to start application in exploded state/debug in Eclipse

Right click TaskerApplication.Java and run Run as Java Application/ Debug as Java application


  • Make FE modular, introduce some vue FE dev stack
  • Create integration tests
  • Create more health checks
  • Experiment in scaling the application

Usefull links

Example requests and response in CURL format

