
  • Prefix all files with powerex_ from one input S3 bucket to one output S3 bucket.
  • Put the prefix logic in AWS Lambda Docker Image. Code can be python/js/java,..
  • Push image to ECR.
  • Create S3 buckets, ECR, AWS Lambda Docker using Terraform.
  • Put assignment code to github.

How to deploy Lambda

Workflow does everything automatically. The new version is released from main branch. The new version is built when there is a tag X.Y.Z (version no, e.g. 0.2.4)

Deploy from local machine

  1. change all necessary names of:
    • buckets (can be only [a-z-]+)
      • backend backend-s3-tf-bucket defined in:
        - ./terraform/backend/backend
        - ./terraform/backend/backend_init
        - ./terraform/backend/main.tf
        - ./terraform/backend/variables.tf
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/backend
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/main.tf
        - ./terraform/lambda/backend
        - ./terraform/lambda/main.tf
      • input bucket bucket-powerex-files-input defined in:
        - ./lambda/app/lambda_function.py
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/backend
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/backend_init
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/main.tf
        - ./terraform/lambda/backend
        - ./terraform/lambda/backend_init
        - ./terraform/lambda/main.tf
      • output bucket bucket-powerex-files-output defined in:
        - ./lambda/app/lambda_function.py
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/backend_init
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/backend
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/main.tf
      • ecr repository pwx_s3_move_lambda defined in:
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/backend
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/backend_init
        - ./terraform/infrastructure/main.tf
      • lambda function name ${local.prefix}_lambda_s3_move defined in:
        - ./terraform/lambda/backend
        - ./terraform/lambda/backend_init
        - ./terraform/lambda/main.tf
  2. define necessary env variables in your local env:
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secretkey"
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="yourid"
    export AWS_REGION="region"
    and also in aws.env in the form:
  3. deploy backend with
    docker-compose up --build terraform_backend_init
  4. deploy infrastructure with
    docker-compose up --build terraform_infrastructure
  5. build and tag docker image for lambda function and push the image to the ECR repository with
    docker build -t $tag -f lambda/lambda.Dockerfile lambda
    docker push $tag
  6. overwrite the in docker-compose.yml the value of TF_VAR_image to $tag
  7. deploy lambda function with defined trigger to AWS
    docker-compose up --build terraform_lambda


AWS Docker push

Lambda AWS function



AWS Lambda Docker

Triggers for Lambda
