Convert CSS text to a React Native stylesheet object
- 1
- 2
- 3
`border-radius` does not work with newer react-native
#192 opened by voydz - 0
Support Animation API
#191 opened by NiuGuohui - 3
error when process transform
#190 opened by lovetingyuan - 2
Copyright statements in LICENSE and README differ
#188 opened by stefan-hdt - 3
[Feature request] Add support for viewport units
#184 opened by hyoretsu - 1
- 1
Failed to parse declaration "flex: 1 1 0%"
#180 opened by marlonmarcello - 7
[Bug] Parsed "aspect-ratio: 4/3" is causing errors in the android simulator
#177 opened by MarchewkaMatthew - 3
Support multiple font-variants
#175 opened by finnp - 2
No support for `currentcolor`
#170 opened by iteratetograceness - 2
- 1
Issue with css variables for border-color
#167 opened by sguduguntla - 5
How do I add bottom border?
#140 opened by resting - 5
- 2
- 3
Is there a way to disable warnings about units?
#137 opened by pie6k - 1
Is this library convert '10px' to '10'?
#153 opened by WDever - 1
- 4
Hi, does this library include a sanitizer or validator
#149 opened by joseDaKing - 1
Add needsUnit to false for the project - v5
#146 opened by pier-verdu - 8
[feature request] Add support to do reverse
#144 opened by selrond - 1
Provide support for variable currentColor
#143 opened by fortezhuo - 4
[Feature Request] Custom Unit Converter
#141 opened by bsehovac - 5
Support vh and vw units
#138 opened by Sharcoux - 1
Feature the web solution
#134 opened by jamesgeorge007 - 2
property className is not supported
#136 opened by likern - 4
- 2
Data type judgment and optimization
#124 opened by AZQD - 1
box-shadow does not work in react-native
#128 opened by Gustavoohrq - 1
[Feature Request]: Introduce a CLI solution
#131 opened by jamesgeorge007 - 5
React Native "Expected style to contain units"?
#130 opened by GollyJer - 1
Requiring users to append 'px' to react native units should be a linter preference and should not be done by this plugin
#129 opened by shamilovtim - 16
aggressive color checking
#122 opened by MrLoh - 5
box-shadow is not transformed for Android
#119 opened by hosseinalipour - 1
place-items and place-content
#88 opened by jacobp100 - 1
Parsing errors from tailwind default config
#114 opened by m11m - 2
- 16
Background issue with React native 0.61-rc3
#117 opened by ScreamZ - 2
Inverse "react-native-to-css"
#118 opened by zyasir - 1
Problems parsing boxShadow
#115 opened by m11m - 1
Problems parsing fontFamily
#116 opened by m11m - 4
- 3
can't parse flex: 1/2
#106 opened by scerelli - 0
"Border: none" shorthand creates Parse Error
#103 opened by romainbraun - 1
Release a new version?
#100 opened by hubgit - 6
Upgrade node-fetch to >= 2.3.0 to fix semantic-release users that use styled-components
#98 opened by kopax - 1
[Doc] Supported properties map
#86 opened by marlonmleite - 3