A simple parser for react properties defined in typescript instead of propTypes.
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`export default function` declaration doesn't work
#501 opened by boar-is - 8
Invalid `displayName` parsing starting with v2.1.0
#395 opened by jzempel - 7
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Ignore props & method extended to HTMLMotionProps<'div'> from framer-motion
#469 opened by shaddamalbz - 0
No props from compound components are found
#506 opened by aromko - 2
Release 2.2.3 (and 2.3.0?) on NPM
#505 opened by ekilah - 3
[Bug]: declarations and parent objects for props are not populated with TypeScript >= v5.1.3
#483 opened by Francois-Esquire - 5
React.* props become any
#406 opened by mleralec - 2
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[Error] adding jsdoc @author tag throwing error ` is not a function`
#482 opened by flixyudh - 3
A union type that also contains ` | string` loses the rest of the union and is displayed as just string.
#475 opened by hailwood - 5
What is the future of this project?
#494 opened by pvasek - 4
Bug after update to typescript 5.0.2
#474 opened by marckraw - 2
Component's props are not parsed in the file where a component and function(util) exist together.
#476 opened by sunyoungBae - 3
How to manually set default value for a props?
#457 opened by hieucd04 - 1
@defaultValue is not parsed from interface
#502 opened by supersnager - 4
Tree-shaking on a package (monorepo) breaks docgen.
#481 opened by Powerplex - 3
Can you support projects built with vite?
#470 opened by ailululu - 3
Using React.memo(), props disappear.
#428 opened by uto-usui - 3
Docs not generated for memo<Props>() syntax
#452 opened by Sam-Scheding - 3
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Move to async functions
#444 opened by quantizor - 4
Can it output function doc if it is not a ReactFC?
#434 opened by javaxiu - 2
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Extend interface with absolute import
#438 opened by romanlex - 2
object prop can't populate options but string?
#436 opened by eldyvoon - 3
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Property tags are missing
#427 opened by guoyunhe - 4
Order of inheritance for intersection types
#420 opened by lucastobrazil - 8
typescript 4.3.5 -> 4.4.3 breaks propsParser
#391 opened by PiTiLeZarD - 2
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Extract properties from interface referent
#409 opened by Napster2709 - 2
Doest not work with types imported like React.*some
#401 opened by sleonia - 2
Friend please fix this.
#403 opened by JowoScript - 3
Why string is used for numberLiteral when shouldExtractLiteralValuesFromEnum is enabled?
#397 opened by gooverdian - 1
Styled Components v6 are not parsed correctly
#451 opened by DavidReinberger - 2
expression returned using shouldIncludeExpression is not the original root expression
#432 opened by joshwooding - 1
[Feature] use the @private to tag a prop is private and not be provided to the outside in docs
#431 opened by 3lang3 - 2
Args of Table doesn't show content
#445 opened by mishin-dmitry - 1
Expose raw component expression in parser
#400 opened by TrevorBurnham - 3
Invalid JS generated under a certain TS export. uses `default` reserved word
#394 opened by rally25rs - 0
trimFileName no longer works in a monorepo
#404 opened by ecraig12345 - 1
[BUG] parse result is different while parsed file and script relative path change.
#386 opened by lullabyjune - 1
JSDoc @deprecated message parsing failure
#396 opened by andrew-scala-zapier - 1
Is it possible to generate docs from a compiled module using sourcemaps?
#385 opened by alexkrautmann