supervisor running|monitoring commands and decking your field of windows with glorious colour and texture
To shade an X window, possibly blending an image with it, while leaving the gui program in the window perfectly functional, for aesthetics.
Results may be quite hectic:
Did something spastic at c011995d70bf7ec56fac2
Probably not feeding data properly somewhere.
Lots of researching docs for the AI to be the C maestro.
Just so thin on examples out there.
Ideally it should do this on the gpu. Methods so far have involved placing pixels back on the window.
Wayland is a newer display server protocol than X11.
go is a newer dostuff ecosystem than C.
prompt: write a Go script to open a jpg and blend its pixels onto an X window whose title is /^Nicotine/
everything was lost due to the opaqueness of git submodules, and go get
wanting to be in one..?