
Send every n seconds TRX coins from a list of csv TRON-Wallets to a central TRON-Wallet. Information about transactions (trxid) will be sent via a Telegram-Bot.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tron Wallet Many To One Sender

Send every n seconds TRX coins from a list of csv TRON-Wallets to a central TRON-Wallet. Information about transactions (trxid) will be sent via a Telegram-Bot.


  • telegramToken: Telegram Token from your Bot.
  • telegramChatId: Telegram Group ID to receive messages from your Bot.
  • mainWallet: Central Wallet which should receive all TRX Coins from your .csv wallets list.
  • csvFilePath: Path to your wallets.csv file. Example in wallets_example.csv file.
  • interval: Interval of scheduler. (ex. every 30 seconds: */30 * * * * *)

Example in docker-compose.yml file.

Telegram Commands

  • /status: Get status of service. Can be running or stopped.
  • /start: Starts the service scheduler if stopped.
  • /stop: Stops the service scheduler if running.
  • /run: Run once through the wallet.csv list. Only possible if service scheduler is stopped.


Pull image from DockerHub and use the docker-compose.yml file to start the application.

$ docker pull stylepatrick/tron_wallet_many_to_one_sender:tagname

Link: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/stylepatrick/tron_wallet_many_to_one_sender


Use the Dockerfile to build the docker image.

$ docker build -t tron_wallet_many_to_one_sender:latest .

and use the docker-compose.yml file to start the application.

$ docker-compose up -d