
Python DBUS examples including emitting/receiving signals and calling proxied methods.

Primary LanguagePython

Python DBUS examples

A collection of python DBUS examples.


The first time I had to deal with python and DBUS I was overwhelmed by the lack of concrete examples, so this repository was born. More documentation may be found in the comments.


The following are python dependencies:

  • dbus-python
    • relies on libdbus-1-dev
  • PyGObject
    • relies on libgirepository1.0-dev


In your first terminal run the dbus monitor and grep for the examples methods:

dbus-monitor | grep /tld/domain/sub

In a second terminal run the reciever:


The receiver has a catch all handler, so a lot of output is expected there.

in a third terminal you can now either:

  • Run the invoker, which will call the proxxied receivers Test object methods:


    The invoker will invoke 3 Methodes on the receiver:

    • foo: This will simply return Foo as a string
    • fail: Will trigger an exception in the receiver which the invoker can handle
    • quit: Will stop the receiver
  • run the emitter, which will emit a test signal and a quit signal:


After running either of them, the receiver will be stopped.