
Please fork this repository and paste the github link of your fork on Microsoft CMT. Detailed instructions are on Coursera under Week 1: Course Project Overview/Week 9 Activities.


Project built using Python 3.9.2 Django 3.2.9

Presentation Slides

Please note that a PowerPoint version of our slides are available to be downloaded here. Additionally, a PDF version of our slides is available in this repository.


Our video can be downloaded here.

(1) Overview of the Project

SaveIt is a web application that enables a user to index a web page by entering a URL for later full-text search retrieval. This web application could serve as a foundational platform on which extensions for page indexing and retrieval could later be built. Indexing pages for full text retrieval has utility in research and hobby applications in enabling a user to save a useful page without needing to document exactly what is on that page.

(2) Implementation Details

SaveIt is implemented in Python 3 using the Django web server framework. It is primarily composed of three modules and a models file that defines our database structure:

File name: indexer/

The data are split across three models:


Document represents the document that is being indexed. It contains basic attributes such as document title and url and it is also where a page's full_text is saved for display purposes on retrieval. Additionally, terms that appear within a document are linked to the Document model via a foreign key in the DocumentLexicon model. url has a unique=True constraint, thus serving as a secondary Primary Key on this table ensuring that one URL can only be indexed once and must be updated thereafter.


TermLexicon represents all terms that have been indexed by the system thus far. It has two attributes: term and frequency.

term is the string-based representation of a term that has been indexed. This is the baseline representation of a term in the system. The corresponding term attribute in DocumentLexicon is foreign keyed to the TermLexicon.term to ensure normalization across the data. This flexibility enables us to query all documents in which a queried term appears by following foreign keys to the DocumentLexicon and Document models.

frequency defines the frequency with which a specific term appears in the collection.


DocumentLexicon represents terms on a per-document basis. It is nearly identical to TermLexicon; however, it does not contain a string-based representation of each indexed term. Its term attribute is a foreign key to the string-based term on TermLexicon.

frequency represents how many times a given term appears within a document.

context is a foreign key to the Document model that links each term within a document to its parent document.

File name: indexer/

scrape.scrape takes a parameter url that indicates the URL of the page to be scraped. It requests the page using the Python requests library and first checks the request's status code. If the page returns anything other than status code 200 the module returns a tuple with the first element containing False and the second element containing a dict with a single key status_code keyed to the returned status code.

If the request was successful, the page's HTML is parsed using the BeautifulSoup library. Script and style tags are first removed from the BeautifulSoup object before the page's remaining text is retrieved and passed into a helper function get_full_page_text that separates each line of text into a tuple of stripped lines that are then split on spaces into chunks. These chunks are then rejoined into a string on their newline characters before the newline characters are removed.

Finally, the cleaned page text is passed into a helper function that splits the page text into a list of words. A tuple is returned from the scrape module with the first element True and the second element containing a dictionary of the word list, the page's cleaned full text, and the page's title tag.

File name: indexer/

index is called with four parameters: word_list, page_title, page_url, page_full_text. word_list is a list of words scraped from a web page that contains only text. page_full_text is a string contains the same content as word_list but its structure is maintained for display purposes on retrieval.

The foundation of this module is a ParsedDocument class that handles pre-processing of a list of words from a document to be indexed. This object takes a word_list as a parameter and puts each word from that list into lower case. The goal is to build a list of unique words and a dictionary mapping each unique word to its frequency within the input list of words. We first determine whether a word is not a stopword (NLTK) and contains only alphabetic characters. If these two conditions are true, the word is then stemmed using NLTK's SnowballStemmer. If the stemmed word is not already present in the unique word list, it is added to that list and the stemmed word is initialized in the dictionary to 1. If the stemmed word is already present in the unique word list, we increment its value in the dictionary.

Next, the system determines whether a Document given by URL is already present in the system. If it is, the object's fields are updated and saved and we flag it for cleanup. If the Document is not present in the system, we create it.

If the document was flagged for cleanup, we retrieve each DocumentLexicon instance that is foreign keyed to that document and decrement its linked TermLexicon instance by DocumentLexicon.frequency. Each DocumentLexicon instance is then deleted.

The ParsedDocument and Document instances are then passed into a index_document function. For each term and frequency in the ParsedDocument term frequency map, a corresponding TermLexicon entry is queried. If it is found, its frequency is incremented. If it is not found, its frequency is initialized to the frequency in the term frequency map.

We then query each term within the DocumentLexicon and raise an error if we find an entry, as the DocumentLexicon should be clear at this point and should never contain duplicated terms. Otherwise we initialize a DocumentLexicon entry to the term and frequency within the term frequency map and pass it the Document instance that was passed into the function as context.

The document is now indexed.

File name: indexer/

indexer.retrieve takes a string parameter that holds the input query created by user. It first parses the input query into a list of stemmed words after removal of stop words. It then queries the backend database which stores the indexed documents information for term frequency and its context.

The implemented retrieval logic calculates the TF-IDF with smoothed TF and IDF transformations for the input query as well as all documents in the corpus, using information retrieved from the index database. It then calculates the cosine similarity score between the input query and each document based on their TF-IDF values.

Finally, a ranked dictionary is returned with the document IDs as keys, similarity score as values, ranked from the highest similarity score to the lowest for all documents in the corpus.

(3) Project Set Up

Clone this repo to where you will work on it:

git clone

All of these commands are issued from the project's top directory that has in it.

Create a virtual environment for the project (I highly recommend virtualenvwrapper).

Install the project dependencies and remember to do so every time you pull the repo. From the top project directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate a Django secret key:

python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'

With your newly created virtual environment activated, open this text file: $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate and add the value generated by the previous command to the environmental variable DJANGO_SECRET_KEY:

export DJANGO_SECRET_KEY='secret-key-that-you-just-generated'

Save the file and check that the environmental variable has been exported - if not, reopen your virtual environment and check again.

If you are not using a virtual environment or do not plan on committing code, you may open saveit/ and set the SECRET_KEY variable to a string literal of the key generated above.

If you run into permissions issues with any of the following commands, you need to change the permissions on each of these shell files to make them executable as such:

chmod +x

Finally, push the database migrations:


Download the required NLTK corpora (you only need to do this once per configuration):


If the above command does not work, open the Python interpreter with which you will run Django and enter the following:

from nltk import download

Run the app:



To run tests from the command line (with default verbosity & all tests):

python test

This repo includes coverage testing dependencies for determining what lines in a module have been executed by tests. When executed from the project root, this command runs all project tests, generates a coverage report, and opens that report in a browser:

coverage run test indexer -v 2 && coverage html && open htmlcov/index.html

For more information on configuring, check the docs here.

(4) Team Member Contributions

Tyler Davis (tadavis2)

  • Drafted proposal & integrated feedback
  • Set up project task assignments and asked group members to pick task(s) (11/7/21)
  • Assigned to implement module: index
  • Assigned to implement database models / project setup
  • Initial Django project configuration
  • Defined database models
  • Implemented module: index
  • Implemented module: scraper
  • Implemented frontend

Kee Dong (yuqingd2)

  • Provided proposal input
  • Assigned to implement module: retrieval
  • Implemented module: retrieval
    • Please note that Tyler pushed the commits for this module on Kee's behalf
    • Kee authored this module and its tests but was unable to push it to Git at the time due to travel / time constraints
  • Lead on presentation draft

Mukund Mudhusdan (mukundm2)

  • Provided proposal input
  • Assigned to implement module: scraper
  • No deliverable