Note: This is a fork of adrenak's http which is a fork of Dubit's unity-http
Visual Scripting Node library for Webrequest which is based on Http Unity package developed by Dubit. The Http system has a quick and easy API for making http requests within Unity. The Http instance will run the WebRequest coroutines for you so you don't have to create it per request.
Prerequisites : Node.js v16 or above
# Install openupm-cli
npm install -g openupm-cli
# Go to your unity project directory
# Install package: com.styly.webrequest-visualscripting-nodes
openupm add com.styly.webrequest-visualscripting-nodes
Find the WebRequest custom nodes in WebRequest
category with the fuzzy finder.
- Get Text node
- Get Texture node
- Get AudioClip node
- POST node (To be implemented)
- POST Texture node (To be implemented)
To be implemented
To be implemented
How to install samples
Click Import
button at Window
- Package Manager
- Packages in Project
- WebRequest Visual Scripting
- Samples
Sample Music:
Original features
- Singleton
- Fluent API for configuration
- Success, error and network error events
- Super headers
- Get, POST, HEAD, DELETE, PUT support
- GetTexture support
New features
- Data cache support
- AudioClip support
- Visual Scripting Nodes support
- Unity 2021.3
- .NET 4.5
- C# 7
If you are using an AssemblyDefinition then reference the Http Assembly.
Import the namespace using STYLY.Http;
// Get text
var request = Http.Get("")
.SetHeader("Authorization", "username:password")
.OnSuccess(response => Debug.Log(response.Text))
.OnError(response => Debug.Log(response.StatusCode))
.OnDownloadProgress(progress => Debug.Log(progress))
// You may want to use CacheType.UseCacheOnlyWhenOffline option for data feed like RSS or RestAPI
var request = Http.Get("")
.UseCache(CacheType.UseCacheOnlyWhenOffline) // <= Load data from cache only when offline
.SetHeader("Authorization", "username:password")
.OnSuccess(response => Debug.Log(response.Text))
.OnError(response => Debug.Log(response.StatusCode))
.OnNetworkError(response => Debug.Log("Network Error"))
.OnDownloadProgress(progress => Debug.Log(progress))
// Get Texture
var request = Http.GetTexture("")
.OnSuccess(response => {
.OnError(response => Debug.Log(response.StatusCode))
.OnDownloadProgress(progress => Debug.Log(progress))
// Get AudioClip
var request = Http.GetAudioClip("")
.OnSuccess(response => {
.OnError(response => Debug.Log(response.StatusCode))
.OnDownloadProgress(progress => Debug.Log(progress))
// Cache file will be generated based of its URL. So if signed URL is used, a cache file will be created every time since Signed URL changes for each access even for the same content. There are several options to avoid it.
string url = ""
string[] ignorePatterns;
// Option A: You can set ignore patterns manually.
ignorePatterns = new string[] {
// for Google Cloud Storage
// for Amazon CloudFront
// for Azure Blob Storage
// Option B: You can use the following method to get ignore patterns of signed URLs for major cloud service.
ignorePatterns = CacheUtils.GetSignedUrlIgnorePatters();
var request = Http.Get(url)
.UseCache(CacheType.UseCacheAlways, ignorePatterns)
.OnSuccess(response => Debug.Log(response.Text))
.OnError(response => Debug.Log(response.StatusCode))
.OnDownloadProgress(progress => Debug.Log(progress))
// Option C: Set `USE_CLOUD_SIGNED_URL_IN_CACHEUTILS` in `Project Settings` - `Player` - `Scripting Define Symbols`
// Asynchronous call
async void Start()
var url = "";
STYLY.Http.Service.HttpResponse httpResponse = await Http.Get(url)
.OnSuccess(response => Debug.Log(response.Text))
.OnError(response => Debug.Log(response.StatusCode))
.OnDownloadProgress(progress => Debug.Log(progress))
Debug.Log("Web request task completed.");
All these methods return a new HttpRequest.
Http.Get(string uri)
Http.GetTexture(string uri)
Http.GetAudioClip(string uri)
Http.Post(string uri, string postData)
Http.Post(string uri, WWWForm formData)
Http.Post(string uri, Dictionary<string, string> formData))
Http.Post(string uri, List<IMultipartFormSection> multipartForm)
Http.Post(string uri, byte[] bytes, string contentType)
Http.PostJson(string uri, string json)
Http.PostJson<T>(string uri, T payload)
Http.Put(string uri, byte[] bodyData)
Http.Put(string uri, string bodyData)
Http.Delete(string uri)
Http.Head(string uri)
All these methods return the HttpRequest instance.
SetHeader(string key, string value)
SetHeaders(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> headers)
RemoveHeader(string key)
OnSuccess(Action<HttpResonse> response)
OnError(Action<HttpResonse> response)
OnNetworkError(Action<HttpResonse> response)
OnUploadProgress(Action<float> progress)
OnDownloadProgress(Action<float> progress)
SetRedirectLimit(int redirectLimit)
SetTimeout(int duration)
UseCache(CacheType cacheType = CacheType.UseCacheAlways, string[] ignorePatternsForCacheFilePathGeneration = null)
Redirect limit subject to Unity's documentation.
Progress events will invoke each time the progress value has increased, they are subject to Unity's documentation.
HttpRequest Send()
void Abort()
The callbacks for OnSuccess
, OnError
and OnNetworkError
all return you a HttpResponse
This has the following properties:
string Url
bool IsSuccessful
bool IsHttpError
bool IsNetworkError
long StatusCode
byte[] Bytes
string Text
string Error
Texture Texture
AudioClip AudioClip
Dictionary<string, string> ResponseHeaders
Super Headers are a type of Header that you can set once to automatically attach to every Request you’re sending.
They are Headers that apply to all requests without having to manually include them in each HttpRequest SetHeader call.
Http.SetSuperHeader(string key, string value)
Http.RemoveSuperHeader(string key)
returnsDictionary<string, string>
In this given example, the response.Text
"id": 92,
"username": "jason"
Create a serializable class that maps the data from the json response to fields
public class User
public int id;
public string username;
We can listen for the event OnSuccess
with our handler method HandleSuccess
var request = Http.Get("")
.OnError(response => Debug.Log(response.StatusCode))
Parse the response.Text
to the serialized class User
that we declared earlier by using Unity's built in JSONUtility
private void HandleSuccess(HttpResponse response)
var user = JsonUtility.FromJson<User>(response.Text);