
Pluggable assets routing for Play 2

Primary LanguageJava

Pluggable assets routing for Play 2.3.x

Make assets routing pluggable and switch all asset routes at once, without searching and replacing links in all templates in the project. One example is when public assets are moved to external storage or CDN. It is also very useful for testing.

Setup and usage

Update build.sbt

Add resolver and dependency

resolvers += "Platform releases" at "https://raw.github.com/stys/maven-releases/master/"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    "com.stys" %% "platform-assets" % "1.1.0"    

Add an additional global template import to build.sbt

TwirlKeys.templateImports += "com.stys.platform.assets.Assets"

Implement plugin

Create an implementation of AssetsPlugin. Here is a very simple example implementation using Play's built-in Assets controller

package plugins;

import play.Application;
import controllers.routes;

public class DefaultAssetsPlugin extends AssetsPlugin {

     * Plugin implementation must declare a constructor with 
	 * single argument of type play.Application
    public DefaultAssetsPlugin(Application application) {
        /* Empty */

     * Delegate to the build-in Assets controller
    public String url(String file) {
        return routes.Assets.at(file).url();

Add plugin declaration to the conf/play.plugins


Use in templates

Use it the same way as the built-in Assets (drop the routes part at the beginning)

<link rel="stylesheet" href="@Assets.at("path/to/style.css")">