I made this to solve the need to know when exactly the next bus departs from Seestadt, as well as to practice making a SPA with ClojureScript and Reagent.
The only server-side component is a cronjob that runs once per minute querying
the WienerLininen API and writes the result to data.json
in the public
If you don't have Leiningen installed, just use your system's package manager to install it, e.g. on OSX:
brew install leiningen
Run the dev server
lein figwheel
Serve statics:
cd public && python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Now you can open http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.
If you want to edit styles, watch the sass stylesheets:
fswatch -o sass/ | xargs -n1 -I{} sassc sass/app.scss public/css/site.css
You should now be able to edit the files and see the changes reloaded in the browser on-the-fly.
Edit the crontab:
crontab -e
And add a minutely cronjob:
* * * * * /path/to/nextbus/scripts/cron.sh
You need to edit cron.sh
to supply a WienerLininen API key that can be
requested through this form.
They have responded with the key on the next workday in my case.
3362 -> Asp *
HAP (to See)
ASP (both)
8682 84a
4251 u2
SEE (both)
4277 u2
3365 84a