
Diary of a former member from the math society to keep track of endless tales

Mathematics: Beyond Journey's End

If forgetting is a form of exile, then remembering will guide the path toward return

Taking place in the spiritual world, the story follows a human problem solver, Zsu, as he embarks on a neverending journey to reach the palace of Mathematics in order to discover the origin of his curiosity, who once was a math major.

Learning how to walk in an imaginary world: x power x

  • Quest information: Plotting the function $y = x^x$. (Sounds as easy as a simple Popo Tongue Delivery Quest)
  • Details: x-power-x

First visit to the Graph Kindom: Edmonds' Blossom Algorithm

  • Quest information: Investigating a polynomial time maximum graph matching algorithm.
  • Details: blossom-algorithm