
Yet another Material Design theme for Hexo, with PJAX and more!

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Yet another Material Design theme for Hexo. Demo: su226.tk

Currently only Simplified Chinese and English are available. (Sorry for my poor English)


  • Support old browsers including Internet Explorer 11 and Chrome 48. (Partial support, Chrome 49 for main website support)
  • Local search
  • Highlight.js with line number and copy button
  • Customizable sidebar and footer
  • Topmost posts
  • Supports hexo-blog-encrypt
  • Giscus comments (Chrome 71 at least)


First clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/su226/hexo-theme-su226 themes/su226

Then modify _config.yml

# Set index generator to generate updated list (Will be fetched in index.html's script)
  path: '/updated'
  per_page: 10
  order_by: -updated
# Search database powered by hexo-generator-searchdb
  path: search.xml
  field: post
  content: true
  format: striptags
theme: su226

Add source/index.ejs and source/search/index.ejs for actual index page and search page.

layout: index_base
<!-- You can put custom header here -->
layout: search


All configuration are read from _config.yml

  # Sidebar avatar URL
  avatar: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/17371317?s=112
  # Footer content (HTML)
  footer: '由 <a href="https://hexo.io">Hexo</a> 强力驱动,托管于 <a href="https://pages.github.com/">Github Pages</a>'
  # Custom menu items
  # Lookup an icon on iconify.design
  - icon: mdi:account
    href: /about
    name: 关于我
    # Disable PJAX for custom internal link, PJAX for external link will be automatically disabled.
    pjax: false
  - icon: mdi:youtube
    href: https://space.bilibili.com/14334962
    name: Bilibili
  - icon: mdi:github-circle
    href: https://github.com/su226
    name: GitHub
  # Post preview length limit
  preview_limit: 64
  # Topmost tag, if there's no post or topmost tag is unset, no topmost post will be displayed.
  top_tag: 置顶
  # Giscus comment settings, https://giscus.app/
    repo: su226/su226.github.io
    repo_id: "***omitted***"
    category: Announcements
    category_id: "***omitted***"
    lang: zh-CN