REST API Server for Library Management

The purpose of the API is to provide a management system for a library. There are two types of users in a Library.

  • Admin
  • Member/User

Admin : Admin have the permission to Create, Update, Remove books from library. S/he has also the permission of accept and reject book loan requested by the users. If the book loan is issued and returned then S/he update the database.

Users : Users have only the permission to view books details, book-loans and also search by an author.


  • This api server has implemented by using go-macaron. That's why at first you need to have a knowledge about go-macaron. Actually this library is compatible to go http.
  • Then you need to have a knowledge of about go-xrom
  • And also have a little bit of knowledge about cobra flag

To Start API Server

Clone repository and enter the working dir :

$ git clone
$ cd library-management-api

Import database postgress :

$ sudo -u postgres psql < database.sql

Print server version and start the server :

$ go install
$ library-management-api version
$ library-management-api start

Data Model

There are four types of data model we have introduced to design the api. the following data model are introduced shortly below :

  • User Model : All user information are described in this model , like: user name, image, phone number, mail, password, user type, created at, updated at etc.
  • Book Model : All book information are described in this model, like: book name, author, book available for loan etc.
  • Book Loan History Model : This model describes which book will be issued for which user for loan. That's why this model hold the information of user id and book id. It also describes the book loan data and loan returned date etc.
  • Book Loan Request Model : This model describes which book a user will request for. That's why it holds the information of user id and book id. And also status section to describe the request is accepted or rejected.

Available API Endpoints

Method API Endpoint Authentication Type Access Permission Description
POST /register No auth Any type of user Registration for user/member
PATCH /change-user-image Bearer token Any type of user change the user profile image
GET /login Basic or Bearer token Any type of user Return jwt token in response for successful authentication
GET /user-profile/{userId} No auth Any type of user Return a specific user in response
PATCH /edit-profile Bearer token User/Member Return the updated user profile data in response
POST /loan-book Bearer token Admin Admin can issue a book loan for the users
PUT /returned-book Bearer token Admin Admin can put the returned book
GET /loan-history No Auth Any type of User User can view loan book details
POST /book Bearer token Admin Admin can create a new book
PATCH /edit-book Bearer token Admin Admin can update book author
GET /book/{bookId} No Auth Any type of user Users can view specific book
GET /books No Auth Any type of user Users can view all listed book
GET /books?author=azad No Auth Any type of user search book by author
DELETE /delete-book/{id} Bearer token Admin Delete the book data and returned the updated data in response
POST /request Bearer token User User can request for book loan
GET /requests No Auth Any type of user User/Admin can get requested book loan info
PATCH /edit-request Bearer token Admin Only amin can edit the request for book loan(Accepted/Rejected)
DELETE /delete-request Bearer token Admin Only admin delete the request for book loan

Available Flags

Flag Shorthand Default value Example Description
server-port - 4000 library-management-api start --port=8090 Start API server in the given port otherwise in default port
db-port - 5432 library-management-api --db-port=5432 database will be started in this port
db-password - pass library-management-api --db-password=pass database password
db-name - library_management library-management-api --db-name=library_management database name
db-user - postgres library-management-api --db-user=postgres database user

Some Sample Curl commands to the server

Initialize database

$ sudo -u postgres psql < database.sql

Run API server

$ library-management-api start

Registration for Admin

$ curl -X POST -v -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name":"azad","mail":"","password":"password","phone_no":"017771","user_type":"admin"}' http://localhost:4000/register

Registration for user

$ curl -X POST -v -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name":"sagor","mail":"","password":"password","phone_no":"017771","user_type":"user"}' http://localhost:4000/register

Change user profile image

curl is not suitable to hold Content-Type multipart/form-data. so we can skip this.

Login for Admin/User(you will get bearer token)

$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"mail":"","password":"password"}' http://localhost:4000/login

$ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"mail":"","password":"password"}' http://localhost:4000/login

Update user profile

$ curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer <user bearer token>" -d '{"name":"sagor","mail":"","password":"password","phone_no":"017771885","user_type":"user"}' http://localhost:4000/edit-profile

Get user profile with id 1

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/user-profile/1

Add some New book

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin bearer token>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"book_name":"hello world", "author":"sagor"}' http://localhost:4000/book

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin bearer token>" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"book_name":"Azad life story", "author":"azad"}' http://localhost:4000/book

Update book

$ curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin bearer token>" -d '{"book_name":"Azad life story","author":"arya azad"}' http://localhost:4000/edit-book

Get loan book

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin bearer token>" -d '{"user_id":2,"book_id":2}' http://localhost:4000/loan-book

Show book loan history

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/loan-history

Return book from loan

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin bearer token>" -d '{"user_id":2,"book_id":2}' http://localhost:4000/return-book

Get all books info

$ curl -X GET  http://localhost:4000/books

Get a specific book with id 1

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/book/1

Search book by author

$ curl -X GET  http://localhost:4000/books?author=azad

Request book loan

$ curl -X POST -v -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <user bearer token>" -d '{"user_id":1,"book_id":1}' http://localhost:4000/request

Show Requested book loan

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/requests
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/request/2

Update Requested Book Loan(Accepted/Rejected depends on availability)

$ curl -X PATCH -H -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin bearer token>" -d '{"user_id":1,"book_id":1}' http://localhost:4000/edit-request

Delete Request Book Loan

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin bearer token>"  http://localhost:4000/delete-request/1

Delete book with given id

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer <admin berear token>" http://localhost:4000/delete-book/1

Export Loan Data to CSV format

Partially implemented data export and convert to csv format. This feature is not ready yet. You can export all loan book data to csv file by using the below curl cmd:

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:4000/csv