Script to provide skinners the option to call The Movie DB for actor and video infos. Unlike ExtendedInfo it requires a skin integration and it does not include a browser and it only crawls for the most basic and required information.

It also includes a lightweight alternative to based on plus the TVDb.

Search by string

Some examples

  • RunScript(,call=person,query='"Bruce Willis"')
  • RunScript(,call=tv,query='"Californication"')
  • RunScript(,call=movie,query='"Iron Man"')
  • RunScript(,call=movie,query='"Iron Man"',year=2008)
  • RunScript(,call=movie,query='"Iron Man"',year=2008,exact=true)

'" "' is not required, but useful if a string contains special characters. which needs to be escaped.

Multiple results The script provides a selection dialog if multiple results were returned.

Search by The Movie DB, IMBDb or TVDb ID

  • RunScript(,call=person,tmbd_id=65)
  • RunScript(,call=tv,tmbd_id=65)
  • RunScript(,call=tv,tmbd_id=65,season=1)
  • RunScript(,call=tv,external_id=70559) (ID must be TVDb or IMDb)
  • RunScript(,call=tv,dbid=1) (fetches TVDb from uniqueid table in the database if available; title + year is used as fallback)
  • RunScript(,call=movie,tmbd_id=65)
  • RunScript(,call=movie,external_id=tt0371746) (IMDb ID)
  • RunScript(,call=movie,dbid=1) (fetches IMDb ID from uniqueid table in the database if available; title + year is used as fallback)


  • An TMDb API key is already shipped but can be replaced in the add-on settings
  • To get support for Rotten Tomatoes or IMDb ratings it's required to add a own OMDb key in the settings
  • EN is used as default language. It can be changed in the add-on settings, but will still be used if important informations are missing from the result (The Movie DB doesn't have a own fallback logic).
  • US is used as default country locale for certifications. Other supported locales can be set in the add-on settings.

Required windows, reserved IDs and properties


  • I hate it if a script takes control about the focus. Because of that it's up to the skinner to add a <defaultcontrol> tag.
  • ListItem.DBID is filled if the found item is part of the local library.
  • All actions on the control IDs below are controlled by the script.
  • The script doesn't set any window property for the called item. You have to call it from the main container. Examples: $INFO[Container(10051).ListItem.Directors], $INFO[Container(10051).ListItem.Rating], $INFO[Container(10051).ListItem.Art(thumb)]


  • List control ID 10051 = All available information of the called person.
  • List control ID 10052 = All movies starring with actor xyz
  • List control ID 10053 = All shows starring with actor xyz
  • List control ID 10054 = Actor portraits
  • List control ID 10055 = A combined list of all movies and shows starring with actor xyz

Special properties:

  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(TotalMedia) = Total count of media which is also available in your library
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(TotalTVShows) = Total count of shows which is also available in your library
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(TotalMovies) = Total count of movies which is also available in your library
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Birthday) = Date of birth
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Deathday) = Date of death
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Age) = Current age / died at the age of
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Place_Of_Birth) = Place of birth
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Known_For_Department) = Known for department (acting, directing, etc.)
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Gender) = Gender (male/female)
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Biography) = Biography
  • Container(10052).ListItem.Property(Role) = Character role
  • Container(10053).ListItem.Property(Role) = Character role
  • Container(10055).ListItem.Property(Role) = Character role


  • List control ID 10051 = All available information of the called item.
  • List control ID 10052 = Cast
  • List control ID 10053 = Similar titles
  • List control ID 10054 = YouTube results
  • List control ID 10055 = Backdrop images
  • List control ID 10056 = Crew (for seasons it is used to display guest stars)
  • List control ID 10057 = Collection items
  • List control ID 10058 = Seasons
  • List control ID 10059 = Poster images

Special properties for all items:

  • Container(id).ListItem.Property(UnwatchedEpisodes) = Local unwatched episodes
  • Container(id).ListItem.Property(WatchedEpisodes) = Local watched episodes
  • Container(id).ListItem.Property(TotalEpisodes) = Local available episodes
  • Container(id).ListItem.Property(File) = Local filename and path of movie

Special properties:

  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Votes.IMDB) = IMDb votes
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Rating.IMDB) = IMDb rating
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Rating.Rotten) = Rotten Tomatoes rating
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Rating.Rotten_Avg) = Average Rotten Tomatoes rating
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Votes.Rotten) = Rotten Tomatoes votes
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Rating.Rotten_User) = Rotten Tomatoes user rating
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Rating.Rotten_User_Avg) = Average Rotten Tomatoes user rating
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Votes.Rotten_User) = Rotten Tomatoes user votes
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Rating.Metacritic) = Metacritic rating
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Release) = Retail release date
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Budget) = Budget
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Revenue) = Revenue
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Awards) = Awards
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Homepage) = Homepage
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Network.%i) = Network name (%i = 0,1,2,3,...)
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Network.icon.%i) = Network icon (%i = 0,1,2,3,...)
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Studio.%i) = Studio name (%i = 0,1,2,3,...)
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Studio.icon.%i) = Studio icon (%i = 0,1,2,3,...)
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Collection) = Belongs to collection
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Collection_id) = Collection ID
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Collection_poster) = Collection poster art
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Collection_fanart) = Collection fanart
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(NextEpisode) = Next aired episode name
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(NextEpisode_number) = Next aired episode number
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(NextEpisode_season) = Next aired episode season number
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(NextEpisode_plot) = Next aired episode plot
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(NextEpisode_date) = Next aired episode date
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(NextEpisode_thumb) = Next aired episode thumb
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(LastEpisode) = Last aired episode name
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(LastEpisode_number) = Last aired episode number
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(LastEpisode_season) = Last aired episode season number
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(LastEpisode_plot) = Last aired episode plot
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(LastEpisode_date) = Last aired episode date
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(LastEpisode_thumb) = Last aired episode thumb
  • Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Region_release) = Movie release date of set country if it's different to ListItem.Premiered


  • List control ID 1 = Is used to display a portrait/backdrop images in fullscreen.
  • Scrollbar control ID 2 = Will be the focused on window init.

additional properties

  • Configured language code Window(home).Property(
  • Configured country code Window(home).Property(
  • Filled property if a next script is going to be called Window(home).Property( Will be cleared afterwards.

Overwriting onback or provide an additional onclose action

You can add a custom onback or a general onclose action in script-embuary-video.xml and script-embuary-person.xml


  • <onload>SetProperty(onclose,SetFocus(100))</onload> = To set a general action if a window is going to be closed. Like reseting the focus to a default control.
  • <onload>SetProperty(onnext,SetFocus(100))</onload> = To set a general action if a window is going to be closed and a script window is called. Like reseting the focus to a default control.
  • <onload>SetProperty(onback_10052,SetFocus(900))</onload> = Don't close the window, but set focus to ID 900 if onback was called while container 10052 was in focus.


The script ships following widgets:

  • plugin:// = trending movies

  • plugin:// = upcoming movies

  • plugin:// = now playing movies

  • plugin:// = top rated movies

  • plugin:// = popular movies

  • plugin:// = trending shows

  • plugin:// = top rates shows

  • plugin:// = popular shows

  • plugin:// = shows airing today

  • plugin:// = shows on the air

  • plugin:// = discover shows

  • plugin:// = discover shows by year

  • plugin:// = discover shows by TMDb genre ID

  • plugin:// = discover movies

  • plugin:// = discover movies by year

  • plugin:// = discover movies by TMDb genre ID

  • plugin:// = discover persons

  • plugin:// = airing episodes based on your local TV show library (Monday - Sunday)

  • plugin:// = airing episodes based on your local TV show library (Monday)

  • plugin:// = airing episodes based on your local TV show library (Tuesday)

  • plugin:// = airing episodes based on your local TV show library (Wednesday)

  • plugin:// = airing episodes based on your local TV show library (Thursday)

  • plugin:// = airing episodes based on your local TV show library (Friday)

  • plugin:// = airing episodes based on your local TV show library (Saturday)

  • plugin:// = airing episodes based on your local TV show library (Sunday)

Next airing special properties:

  • ListItem.Property(AirDay) = Airing day (Monday, Wednesday, etc.)
  • ListItem.Property(AirTime) = Airing time

All of them can be accessed by the addons -> video addons node so it's easy to set them with the skinshortcuts script.